Hello all Red hookers
We all hope that everyone is safe and well . Please do follow all restrictions to hold the spread of the virus.So we can all get back out doing the things we love .
Fishing is still aloud .
so get out there and send some pics in for the news letter.
As you all would be aware we had a charter trip planned for june .At this point its all on hold . When the virus has passed and we have the all clear we will be talking with carlos to plan the trip ASAP.
All money that has been paid can be refunded or held by the club .
If you are seeking a refund please talk to Paul Hunt .
We will keep everyone up to date as we hear more .
Tannum sands
Its on again
There will be lots of prizes up for grabs and you don't need to be there .
The draws will be live on the hook up face book page from 6pm 1-3 May .
So it will give all fishos a chance to win a few good prizes .
Best of luck to all .