CSC Newsletter ︳July 2020 |
華埠服務中心向所有前線工作人員在新冠疫情期間的努力致敬 |
“Safer-at-Home” order remains in place! Let's work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 by - Wear a face covering whenever you leave home
- Wash hands throughout the day
- Stay 6 feet away from people who do not live with you
- If you have any sick symptoms, call us: (213) 808-1792 for a free COVID-19 test now!
Chinatown Service Center (CSC) reminds you that please continue to follow the latest recommendation from Public Health Authorities. For any essential social (EDD, Medi-Cal/ Covered CA, Citizenship, Calfresh) and economic community development (small business - PPP, EIPL) services, please call (213) 808-1700. For health services of Medical, Dental and Behavioral Health counseling services, please call clinic hotline at (213) 808-1792 for appointments now! STAY SAFE & HEALTHY & CONNECTED W/ CSC! 華埠服務中心提醒大家繼續遵循公共衛生當局的: “居家令”。讓我們一起努力減緩新冠病毒的傳播: - 外出時請戴上臉罩
- 時刻洗手,保持清潔
- 人與人之間保持6呎社交距離
- 如您有任何不適的症狀,請立即致電華埠醫療中心(213) 808-1792 進行免費的新冠測試!
華埠服務中心 照常開放並繼續為您提供所需的社會,醫療,牙科,心理健康等服務! 有關更多營業時間的諮詢,請致電:(213) 808-1700 查詢! 祝大家身體健康! |
FILE TODAY - You may get cash back tax credits and you're one step closer to your Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Deadline to file taxes is July 15. Visit for more info. 最後5天報稅倒數!快點報稅 - 您可能獲得現金稅收抵免退還,更有機會領取到額外的救濟 - 紓困補助金(EIP)。報稅截止日期是7月15日。 有關更多信息,請瀏覽網站 | | |
Census Self Response is now extended to 10/31/2020 Please complete yours to benefit for your community - Chinatown Los Angeles #Census2020 Response Rates is at 44.3% now! 2020年人口普查問卷 現已延長至10月31日 亞裔華人未來10年的福祉,依靠你我齊參與 2020年人口普查: 洛杉磯市華埠的響應率是44.3% | | |
COVID-19 Relief: Hotmeals & Groceries to 1,300+ Chinatown Seniors We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all donors and in-kind donations to make a huge difference to our Chinatown seniors from Mid-April to June! 華埠服務中心謹代表所有受惠的華埠年長者 向每位捐贈者致以摯誠及萬分謝意! |
Naturalization and Citizenship Free to apply for US citizenship/ Renew green card? Fee waiver if meet income qualification! Text/ Call (213) 766-8988 for question or appointment! 華埠服務中心免費為您申請公民入籍/ 綠卡續期, 更可為您豁免或減低申請費用, 如需協助或查詢, 請短信/ 致電(213)766-8988 |
30% OFF SALE on Frames Call (213) 808-1792 to find the best eyeglasses for you and your families this summer! 眼鏡框特價7折優惠 (華埠服務中心驗光診所) 在今年夏天為您和家人找最合適的眼鏡快致電(213)808-1792 | | |
Online Mental Health Information Sessions 免費心理健康網絡會議 "How to Assist Youth During a Crisis" 專為青年在危機中尋求協助 July 11, 2020 (11:00 AM) - Parents & caregivers are invited to learn about assisting youth during a crisis.
- This information session is sponsored by CSC and the 2020 California State Library Mental Health Initiative.
- 邀請父母和照顧者一起了解在危機中如何協助青年
- 此網絡會議由華埠服務中心和2020年加州州立圖書館心理健康計劃共同贊助
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2020 Laura Scudder Women Entrepreneur Series (FREE) 免費網絡研討會(英語) 3 Consecutive Sundays: 7/12 to 7/26 Free Small Business Webinars 本週日(7/12) 開始: 連續3週為小企業主分析企業需知 Part 1 - Learn about reading and understanding contracts. Part 2 - CalSavers is California's new State-mandated retirement savings program for employers who do not offer a retirement plan. Deadlines are approaching. Self-employed is OK. Part 3 - How to promote and to track. Create marketing campaigns that see result 第一節 - 學習閱讀和明白合同細節 第二節 - CalSavers 是加州政府一項新強制性退休儲蓄計劃。讓沒有向雇員提供退休計劃的私營公司,一個儲蓄機會。也可以個人 / 自雇者提出申請。 第三節 - 如何進行推廣和追蹤用戶。打造看到結果的活動推廣。 Please contact Elaine Pang 彭依寧 for details. Tel: 213-808-1751 / Email: | | |
| | Virtual Meeting (FREE) 免費視像會議 (小型企業諮詢) DATE: Monday to Friday TIME: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (PST) TEL: (213) 808-1751 EMAIL: By Appointment only!
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| | RE-OPEN (Online Application) for all businesses! 經濟災難貸款 (EIDL) : 網上申請 現已重新開放給商家 Want to know the step-by-step process?
Tel: 213-808-1751 Email: EIDL 申請程序或問題 請電: (213) 808-1751 彭依寧 請電郵聯絡 (可用中文): | | |
CSC 2020 Scholarship Recipients message to our donors: Dearest Mrs. Margaret & Mr. Henry Kwong, Dr. Nga Wan Wong & Dr. Tit Sang Li, "Our lifelong dream of attending universities are moving forward, because of the generous and caring donors (Mrs. Margaret & Mr. Henry Kwong, Dr. Nga Wan Wong & Dr. Tit Sang Li) who generously give to support the educational endeavors of us at CSC Youth Center." We are deeply appreciative of your continuous support! 2020年青年中心獎學金優勝者: 非常感謝捐贈者慷慨的捐助, 支持與鼓勵 - "助追大學夢" - Sincerely, Cindy Yan, Matthew Liu, Alice Yao, Wei Kang Huang, Tiffany Li, Wesley Jiang, Jennifer Lei, Chiraphat Techasiri, Cellena Kuang, Zhe Huang |
SAT (FREE) Tutoring 2020 免費SAT大學預備班: 7/18 - 8/22 停課不停學!為報考理想大學作準備! 6 Consecutive Saturdays SAT Tutoring (Personal Statement Essay, Application Process, Financial Aid) for FREE from 7/18 to 8/22. RSVP at (213) 808-1700 免費SAT大學預備課程 連續每週六從2020年7月18日至8月22日 免費助您處理個人論文,大學申請程序,學費資助等。註冊詳情,請致電:(213)808-1700 | | |
Chinatown Services Center on WeChat now: Scan CSC's QR code ID: "华埠服务中心" Phone no: (626) 838-7232 現可透過微信尋找華埠服務中心 (方便又快捷) 掃描二維碼關注我們,獲取更多諮詢! |
"Since 1971, Chinatown Service Center.... provides outstanding services to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities in Southern California. Every year, about 18,000 unduplicated individuals with more than 80,000 annual assistance and encounters, over 96% in the low-to-moderate income range, were assisted through our services." |
Copyright © 2019 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved. Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. 華埠服務中心是501(c)3的非營利、非政治、非宗教的慈善機構,所有善款均可扣稅。 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter |