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Nowhere Left to Go: How Climate Change Is Driving Species to the Ends of the Earth

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Harrowing journeys of animals and plants—fleeing skyrocketing temperatures and mega-droughts—reported from the frontlines of the greatest migration of species since the Ice Age As humans accelerate global warming while laying waste to the environment, animals and plants must flee to the on scattered nature reserves, between major highways, or among urban sprawl. And when even these places become too hot and inhospitable, wildlife is left with only one path to an often-formidable journey toward the poles as they race to find a new home in a warming world. Tropical zones lose their inhabitants, beavers settle in Alaska, and gigantic shoals of fish disappear—just to reappear along foreign coastlines. Award-winning environmental journalist Benjamin von Brackel traces these awe-inspiring journeys and celebrates the remarkable resilience of species around the world. But the lengths these plants and animals must go to avoid extinction are as alarming as they are Sea animals—like fish—move on average 45 miles a decade to cooler regions, while land animals—like beavers and butterflies—move 11 miles. As even the poles of the Earth heat up, we’re left with a stark and irreversible Halt the climate emergency now, or face a massive die-off of species, who are increasingly left with nowhere else to go.

288 pages, Hardcover

Published July 5, 2022

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Benjamin von Brackel

4 books3 followers

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Ericka Clou.
2,349 reviews201 followers
January 6, 2024
Interesting book about the changing face of conservation now that global warming is causing the migration of species. It was persuasive but I've read at least one book about the frequent mishaps intervening in the environment (was in Under a White Sky by Kolbert possibly?) so I'm not sure what to believe. The entire issue with climate change is that humans should stop changing the planet so rapidly, so trying to intervene some more, although well-intentioned might be misguided.
Profile Image for Wendelle.
1,732 reviews49 followers
September 15, 2022
This book describes a phenomenon, wherein as warmer climates retreat towards the poles, the animals and plants also follow in an exodus poleward in attempts to stay within their niche temperatures. This migration is more clearly evident among oceanic species than land species that can seek respite from temperature changes in the refuge of forests, or are hampered from total mobility by habitat fragmentation. Studying this phenomenon is important because it gives clues about possible mitigation methods to the imminent deterioration or extinction of species, through steps like assisted migration-- evacuating plants and animals to their required climes-- and the preservation of forest corridors that will facilitate migration among patches of refuge among forests that have become fragmented.

This book is very good because it draws its sources from a lot of published research, interviews with various German and American professors, and eyewitness reporting.

Ps. Learned that 50 billion bees died in a single year span (2018-19) alone, an unscalable tragedy that has ripple effects for wildflowers, meadow species, other pollinators and agricultural crops, too; 2 billion animals died in the Australian bushfires; as much as90% of coral reefs are under threat of bleaching; half of Amazonian species could be wiped out by end of century
Profile Image for Buchstabenwald.
155 reviews5 followers
November 13, 2021
Ein überraschend kurzweiliges informatives Leseerlebnis hat mich hier erreicht, das ich viel zu lange aufgeschoben habe!
Benjamin von Brackel, Umweltjournalist der Süddeutschen Zeitung, beschreibt in seinem Buch das Wandern der Arten bedingt durch die Erwärmung der einzelnen Klimazonen, was (grob gesagt) durch den Klimawandel verursacht wird. Er bedient sich dabei wissenschaftlichen Artikeln, Statistiken und Studien und fasst diese gekonnt zusammen, so dass auch ein Normalsterblicher die Bedeutung dieser Forschungsergebnisse erfassen kann.
Die Arten - Pflanzen, Insekten, Tiere an Land und im Wasser - brauchen bestimmte Lebensbedingungen. Verschieben sich diese, folgen die Arten ihnen… oder versuchen es zumindest - horizontal wie auch vertikal. Logisch eigentlich. Nur ich wäre definitiv niemals auf diesen Gedanken gekommen. Anhand vieler verschiedenster Beispiele von Flora und Fauna und rund um den Globus wird gezeigt, wie dramatisch die Lage um unsere Artenvielfalt wirklich ist. Und was man dagegen tun kann.

Mein Fazit: ERSCHRECKEND, was um uns herum passiert, ohne dass wir es mitbekommen. Ich zumindest nicht. Keine der abwandernden, neu ankommenden oder aussterbenden Arten ist oder war auch nur jemals in meinem Blickfeld. Gut, als Laie ist das natürlich auch nicht einfach. Aber da merkt man mal, wie eingeschränkt das Bewusstsein für unsere Natur ist.
Große große Leseempfehlung für jeden, der sich mit dem menschenverursachten Klimawandel und dessen Folgen auseinander setzen will.
In mir löst dieses Thema sehr große Angst aus. Ich will jedoch trotzdem darüber Bescheid wissen, ich will wissen was um mich herum passiert, was ich besser machen kann. Was ich meinen Kindern irgendwann einmal beibringen muss, damit sie es noch besser machen können.
Profile Image for Marie.
1,611 reviews8 followers
September 4, 2022
Due to higher temperatures, insects that migrate due to colder climate are not and thus are staying in warmer climates. This can cause more insect infestation and destruction of trees and plants.

Insects do not act with malice, they act according to the temperatures and their natural surroundings. Humans alter their habitats and boundaries.
Profile Image for Norman Weiss.
Author 17 books62 followers
August 10, 2021
Sehr eindringlich und gleichzeitig unaufgeregt geschrieben. Aber da es sich nicht um apokalyptische Visionen, sondern um bereits heute belegbare Tatsachen handelt, wirkt das Ganze um so bedrückender.
64 reviews22 followers
October 4, 2022
In another life, I might have chosen one of the science paths, and thus enjoy the well written articles that explain some of the most technical written articles into language that anyone can understand.

In this case, Mr. von Bracket delivered a deeply insightful book while gathering resources from diverse fields within the world's biological research communities and created a comprehensive, clear to follow, reason for why biologists have been sounding the alarm around the world about climate change.

Traveling the world and pulling findings together that show the pattern so clearly from arctic to tropics, land to ocean, and even from all the other animals to our own beginning migrations to cooler climates, this book simply presents it in a compelling narrative that draws the reader into the consider what each of these studies that continue to show why nature is migrating the way it is.

The minute changes that each of us may see in our own yard, and our own weather, and can relate so clearly to one of those studies that is happening around the globe. A reason to consider whether to eat what is in season versus the shipping of fruits and vegetables out of season, a reason to consider whether to change the light switches to motion sensors to help with just one iota of the energy being used that could be generated by a fossil fuel.

This is one book that I would love for every policy creator to sit and read and understand why we may need to do something now; to suggest to big companies that have created dependency on some of what we as consumers do that shifting to also help replace, repair and help sustainability may be in the best interest and cost less in the long run.

Truly an amazing read, and I am grateful that I was able to read this as an advanced readers copy.
#nowherelefttogo #advancedreadercopy #netgalley #bookreview
Profile Image for Mehtap exotiquetv.
443 reviews264 followers
August 29, 2021
Gibt es bereits Anzeichen dafür, dass die Umwelt Tiere und Pflanzen sich umsiedeln? Dieser Frage geht der Autor nach. Er hat während seiner Buchrecherche etliche Expert:innen weltweit interviewt und ist zu dem erschreckenden Ergebnis gekommen, dass die veränderten Bedingungen, die Flucht der Tierwelt begünstigen. Sei es durch den anthrophogenen Klimawandel oder eben durch den direkten Einschnitt durch den Menschen.
Wo siedeln sich neue Korallen an, wo sterben sie aus? Wie sieht es mit den Bienen & Hummeln aus? Warum macht sich die Tigermücke in Deutschland breit? - Träger von Malaria und weitere Stechinsekten - Träger von Gelbfieber Virus.

Ein Buch, dass einem klar vor Augen führt was passiert und was mit 1,5 Grad mehr uns noch alles erwartet.
21 reviews
August 30, 2022
My first English no fiction. A very good book and I learnt a lot. We could not do nothing face to the climate change! Let take action...
Profile Image for Matthew Engum.
18 reviews
September 7, 2023
I really enjoyed this library find! Took a very observational approach to a problem where folks often sway into opinion. The facts were laid out through the many observations we have of the changing climate. Left room at the end for some “next steps”. Only critique is it did move from species to species quite quickly and was a bit challenging to keep up at times.
147 reviews2 followers
October 6, 2022
This is one of those rare science oriented books that successfully marries storytelling with current scientific research. In this case, the book offers a series of case studies of plants and animals “upsticks” and moving up mountains or to higher latitudes to escape increasing heat. The stories of individual species and the knock on affects are fascinating.

A case in point is how sugar maples are moving further north where they are predicted to wind up gutting the maple syrup industry and the traditions of many in New England. One scientist has even been experimenting with other tree saps to see how they might fare. The short answer is there are no easy substitutions.

Whether it’s Sugar Maple trees, schools of Mackerel in the North Sea, Japanese Kelp or whole systems like the Amazon Rainforest's increasing number of fires, it is clear that the world is already changing due to climate change.

It is not all doom and gloom as scientists try to plot out areas to conserve that species will need to use both as corridors to escape current habitats as well as areas that will serve as future homes for those displaced. This is an eye opening book making a strong case for the need for historically wide spread efforts by the world community to slow climate change to the greatest extent possible to lessen the damage to what will be a changing world we all will inhabit.
Profile Image for Johan D'Haenen.
1,081 reviews8 followers
October 13, 2022
De natuur is niet statisch, maar in constante evolutie. Sinds halfweg de jaren '70 is die evolutie door de opwarming van de Aarde evenwel omgeslagen in een revolutie... een revolutie met desastreuze gevolgen. En jammer genoeg willen velen, waaronder vooral de bewindvoerders wereldwijd, dit niet onder ogen zien, juist omwille van hun fixatie op de natuur als een statisch gegeven. Per slot van rekening leven mensen graag met de illusie van grenzen en door hen opgelegde controle.
In duidelijke journalistieke taal beschrijft Benjamin von Brackel de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering op flora en fauna van de poolgebieden tot de evenaar. Daar bestaan menselijke grenzen niet en stelt menselijke controle niets voor, wel integendeel. Bovendien zijn menselijke acties doorgaans gericht op geïsoleerde gevallen, terwijl in realiteit alles met alles verbonden is en er dus niet zoiets als "geïsoleerde gevallen" is.
En blijft het daar nu bij? Natuurlijk niet... met de migratie van fauna en flora komt ook menselijke migratie op gang, al was het maar om te overleven. En dan beginnen de problemen pas echt... maar dat is een ander verhaal.
Profile Image for Bebe Brown.
13 reviews5 followers
December 15, 2022
This book is a vast journey throughout all the regions of the planet describing the lengths that species must go to find regions that will sustain them. Species from plants and trees to insects, coral, and mammals, and even humans are studied. Excellent statistics and nature studies are quoted as well as some of our government’s and scientist’s response to all this. We must act now. Personally, I view dietary change as more of a solution than its brief mention in this book. Understanding and protecting these regions and a few other solutions are also vital. This author did answer many questions for me and gave a fascinating read as we followed the migrations of bees, butterflies, even algae and coral. This book teaches how our world has changed. There were so many amazing sections that I want to quote and tell others about. Personally, I will always remember this read as one on which I was able to practice my faster reading strategies. The author’s clear approach to the subject matter made it a natural fit.
Profile Image for Daniela.
192 reviews33 followers
September 7, 2022
I received a free copy by publisher via NetGalley, and I'm incredible thankful I had the opportunity of reading this book.

I took a course last semester named Earth sciences and planetary resilience, and this book helped me connect everything I learned in that course. What I'm saying is that this book should be mandatory to read for all biologist, ecologists, climatologists and other -gists.

Even though is a full science text, it doesn't feel like reading an article, it's easy to digest and for me, at least, it felt like I was watching a documentary in my head. It was so well written and it made me feel worried, we are not doing enough, even us, the scientists are not doing enough, but we are doing something.
Profile Image for Urszula.
Author 1 book24 followers
March 17, 2024
It was very interesting to read, as it shows the beginnings of factoring in animals into discussions about climate change. I wish they would not only focus on the ecosystem and different species moving or going extinct, but on the actual numbers of animals affected and potential suffering and deaths. But overall very interesting book on how we can already observe a huge impact of climate change on species migration or the decrease of different populations.
July 5, 2023
Filled with solid research. The most terrifying part so far is the chapters on bees. Once they are gone, forget about blueberries, tomatoes, and squash. And fish - they have their own plans - fish can and will move, confounding the plans of men who want to haul them out of the ocean. This is quite an experiment that society has embarked on. Glad I am old.
Profile Image for Keith.
3 reviews
November 7, 2022
Terrifying but very informative. Factual data is given to support the author’s conclusions. And with the awareness that this book brings you cannot return to a lesser informed stance and you will be more aware. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Nikki.
1,740 reviews81 followers
May 11, 2023
Audiobook note: The narrator had an annoying habit of using a different accent/voice for every single person quoted throughout the book. It was maddening. I did not take any stars off for it, but I sure was tempted to do so.
127 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2023
Das wird auf jeden Fall mein einziges Buch zum Thema Klimawandel bleiben. Ich finde das Thema einfach zu deprimierend und es macht nicht wirklich Hoffnung darüber zu lesen, auch wenn im letzten Abschnitt Lösungen und Fortschritte thematisiert wurden.
Profile Image for Anon.
199 reviews2 followers
August 27, 2023
This book was incredibly interesting and filled with jaw-dropping facts and stories. Nevertheless, is was an extremely hopeless read that left me feeling devastated and with one question, do humans even deserve to exist? This book felt like doom-scrolling.

"I see humans, but no humanity."
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Joey Deptula.
39 reviews6 followers
October 15, 2023
Example after example of the effects of climate change on the migration and habitats of plants and animals around the globe. Tough look into a grim future with some solutions, but not outright optimism.
Profile Image for David Parker.
409 reviews9 followers
November 20, 2022
Much interesting data but very depressing. Found it difficult to read. Could only stomach a chapter before putting it aside for a while.
Profile Image for Billy.
39 reviews2 followers
September 18, 2023
Reading this felt like a slow panic attack that i will be having for the rest of my life
Profile Image for Alexander Tas.
268 reviews12 followers
October 20, 2023
A solid examination of some migration issues facing animals with the rapid onset of climate change. However, the pondering on solutions is pretty sparse and does not feel like it meets the moment.
Profile Image for Jolanda.
69 reviews3 followers
March 25, 2023
So impressive and very well-written. I wish everybody would read this (even though the part on what we can do still is so tiny - but I guess that was not the goal of this book)
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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