CSC Newsletter ︳August 2020 |
“Safer-at-Home” order remains in place! Let's work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 by - Wear a face covering whenever you leave home
- Wash hands throughout the day
- Stay 6 feet away from people who do not live with you
- If you have any sick symptoms, call us: (213) 808-1792 for a free COVID-19 test now!
Chinatown Service Center (CSC) reminds you that please continue to follow the latest recommendation from Public Health Authorities. For any essential social (EDD, Medi-Cal/ Covered CA, Citizenship, Calfresh) and economic community development (small business - PPP, EIPL) services, please call (213) 808-1700. For health services of Medical, Dental and Behavioral Health counseling services, please call clinic hotline at (213) 808-1792 for appointments now! STAY SAFE & HEALTHY & CONNECTED W/ CSC! 華埠服務中心提醒大家繼續遵循公共衛生當局的: “居家令”。讓我們一起努力減緩新冠病毒的傳播: - 外出時請戴上臉罩
- 時刻洗手,保持清潔
- 人與人之間保持6呎社交距離
- 如您有任何不適的症狀,請立即致電華埠醫療中心(213) 808-1792 進行免費的新冠測試!
華埠服務中心 照常開放並繼續為您提供所需的社會,醫療,牙科,心理健康等服務! 有關更多營業時間的諮詢,請致電:(213) 808-1700 查詢! 祝大家身體健康! |
Hooray!!! We’ve filed over 1,000 tax returns and helped the low-income families get back a total of $1M+ tax refund! Salute to our #VITA Volunteer Team! |
| | Free Utilities Assistance (Gas, Electricity & Phone Bills) 免費 公共設施援助 (煤氣,電費和電話費) Appointment Hotline 預約熱線 (213) 808-1700 | | |
| | Naturalization and Citizenship 公民入籍/ 綠卡續期(免費) Apply US citizenship/ Renew green card for FREE: (213) 766-8988 免費申請公民入籍/ 綠卡續期, 豁免/ 減低申請費用, 請短信/ 致電(213)766-8988 | | |
FREE Lenses + Frame for Medi-Cal, Medi-Medi Clients Call (213) 808-1792 to schedule your eye exam with our Dr. Lillian Trinh! 免費眼鏡? 快致電(213)808-1792 與CSC驗光師作眼部檢查 | | |
| | Employment Rights Webinar (FREE) 免費勞工權益 (中文)講座 DATE: 8/14/2020 TIME: 1:00 PM, PST (西岸時間) We partner with Bet Tzedek to host this FREE webinar for individuals & public 華埠服務中心小企業咨詢計劃與 Bet Tzedek 合作為個人和社區舉辦 - 認識你的勞工權益 - 網上講座 Topics include : (1) Questions on your Unemployment Insurance / Disability Insurance? (2) Lost your job/ Reduce hours/ Family leave (3) Legal minimum wage / OT (4) Paid leave/ Break time 講座內容 : (1) 你是否對失業保險或者傷殘保險有疑問? (2) 失去工作 / 被削減工時 / 工資削減 / 生病或因照顧家人無法工作 (3) 你是否獲得法定的最低工資? / 法定加班費? (4) 有薪假? 休息時間是否合法? | | |
| | Legal Free Webinar - How to Sell Your Business & Exit Planning 如何規劃出售你的生意? (免費中文講座) DATE: 8/14/2020 TIME: 3:00 PM, PST (西岸時間) We partner with Elizabeth Yang - Law & Mediation Offices of Elizabeth Yang to host this FREE webinar for small business owners 華埠服務中心小企業咨詢計劃與 楊安立律師事務所 合作為小企業舉辦 - 如何規劃出售你的生意講座 Topics include : (1) What to pay attention to in the contract? (2) Legal procedure (3) What are top 3-5 common mistakes that business owners made when selling the business? 講座內容 : (1) 閱讀合同注意需知; (2) 出售生意的法律程序; (3) 出售方常見錯誤 | | |
| | Virtual Meeting (FREE) 免費視像會議 (小型企業諮詢) DATE: Monday to Friday TIME: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (PST) TEL: (213) 808-1751 EMAIL: By Appointment only!
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| | How to Apply LA Regional COVID Fund: $5,000 for Micro-entrepreneurs; $15,000 for Small Businesses/ Nonprofits) DATE: 8/14/2020 TIME: 10:00 AM, PST (西岸時間) 如何申請洛杉磯地區 COVID 基金 (免費中文講座) - $5,000 撥款給予合資格微企業家
- $15,000 撥款給予合資格非營利組織和小企業
Topics are: (1) Application Process (2) What Needed to Know (3) How to Submit Your Application 講座內容 : (1) 申請程序 (2) 申請需知 (3) 如何提出申請 | | |
CSC Youth Center's Tutor - Ms. Linda Xie is sharing her reflection of before and after the pandemic, while teaching for youths |
Chinatown Services Center on WeChat now: Scan CSC's QR code ID: "华埠服务中心" Phone no: (626) 838-7232 現可透過微信尋找華埠服務中心 (方便又快捷) 掃描二維碼關注我們,獲取更多諮詢! |
"Since 1971, Chinatown Service Center.... provides outstanding services to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities in Southern California. Every year, about 18,000 unduplicated individuals with more than 80,000 annual assistance and encounters, over 96% in the low-to-moderate income range, were assisted through our services." |
Copyright © 2019 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved. Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. 華埠服務中心是501(c)3的非營利、非政治、非宗教的慈善機構,所有善款均可扣稅。 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter |