Our next release will be Pass the Death. The death stone has been around for centuries. Longer than anyone truly knows. Longer than the death stone remembers. Because the death stone is alive. Or, at least, as alive as a stone can be. A stone that brings death to all those unfortunate enough to be saddled with it. When Griffin and his friends find themselves in possession of the stone, they're left with only two options. Pawn the stone off to the next unfortunate soul, or find a way to destroy it for good. Griffin would have preferred the former, but that already failed to work the first time he tried it. The stone just had other plans for him. Plans that he wasn't going to like.
Look for Pass the Death, coming out September 10th.
Did you know that we also have audiobooks? We're currently working through all our previous books, trying to include them in our current audiobook collection. But going forward, all books, including Pass the Death, will now be released with an audiobook. These are only available on Google Play at the moment, but we are still looking into other avenues as well. Check out our Audiobook page on the website for which titles are currently available.
From the Writer's Desk
So, yes, I forgot to send out a newsletter last month. You didn't just miss it. I wish I could say that I was busy writing, but there were just a lot of things going on last month. It wasn't until the 10th when I noticed that I forgot, and I figured it was better to just hold off for September.
We do have a lot to announce this month. Not only are we coming out with yet another wonderful book in Pass the Death, the start of the Death World series, but there has been a lot of progress on another series as well. Cary Simms: The Ivory Mask is just days away from a finished first draft. After a quick round of edits, Cary Simms: The Towers of Avalon will be starting up. I'm hoping to have some good progress on both books by next month. And with our last big event for the year coming up at the start of next month, we'll be reporting on all the success that we've had there as well.
So, stay tuned. And remember to pick up Pass the Death when it comes out next week.
From the Event Desk
Our next event will be in October, at Collingswood Book Festival. I'll have my usual display, as well as both Darkness Within and our September release Pass the Death. I look forward to seeing people there.