The Future of In Safe Hands Massage
Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions really help determine how I make decisions going forward. I would love to hear your perspectives.
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When massage therapists are allowed to practice you will....
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If we are allowed back within the next few months, our protocols will likely change. For example: in some states both client and therapist are required or encouraged to wear masks, there must be windows for ventilation, touchless payments( signing up online/paying over the phone, etc), and more. Does this make you feel more safe about returning to massage therapy or uneasy about returning or something else?
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Anything else you want to share? Concerns? Thoughts? Reasons you really can't wait to get back? Honestly, it's so early I'm not certain what will change and what won't but I want to get a good idea how to best serve my clients no matter what comes our way.
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