“Hidden Hunger” and Micronutrient Foliar Fertilization
Most nutrients and fertilizers are taken up through the roots, but often nutrients coming from the roots frequently cannot keep up with the needs of crops to produce high yields. Traditional fertilizers, especially micronutrient fertilizers, are often inefficient when applied to the soil. Soil pH and interactions with other nutrients, and even pesticides, can tie up micronutrients and make them unavailable to the plant. Applying micronutrients in the seed furrow or as root dips can help, but rarely provide enough micronutrients to meet the crop’s needs throughout the growing season.
Many crops cannot achieve their genetic potential because of “hidden hunger”, that is when plants look good, but nutrition is still limiting the quantity and quality of the crop. “Hidden hunger” is frequently the result of micronutrient deficiencies. Growers may not observe micronutrient deficiencies because these deficient crops may look “normal” and have no observable nutrient deficiency symptoms. They simply are growing slower than they should be. The photograph above shows a corn field in southwest Iowa on which 16 oz/acre of AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™ and 4 oz/acre of AgriGuardian Moly™ were foliar applied a week earlier to the rows on the left side and none on the right side. Both sides appear healthy and normal, but the plants treated with the AgriGuardian™ micronutrients are taller and have larger and thicker leaves. The canopy between the rows is also more filled in. This enhanced early growth will promote greater yields as the crop matures.
Foliar fertilization or foliar feeding is the most efficient way to ensure that growing crops get the essential plant nutrients they need to produce high yields. Foliar fertilization allows growers to provide nutrients at or before key growth stages when nutrients are in high demand. By keeping nutrients in the plant high and in balance, the crop can produce more vegetative growth and produce higher yields.
AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™ and other AgriGuardian™ micronutrient products were developed to be foliar applied, and to be compatible with most liquid fertilizers and pesticides. AgriGuardian™ liquid micronutrient products can be mixed with other chemicals to meet the needs of the crop while reducing the number of sprays applied to the crop. Applying AgriGuardian™ nutritional products at key points in the plant’s growth ensures that micronutrients will not limit growth or yield.
The micronutrients in AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™ influence every aspect of the plant’s growth and development including: nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur utilization, photosynthesis, carbohydrate production, cell division, cell wall formation, root growth, pollination, and fruit and seed development including protein and nutrient content. Foliar applied micronutrients also help to keep plants healthy and help reduce severity of diseases and other plant disorders. The micronutrients in AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™ are just as important to a crop's health and performance as are N-P-K, especially in potentially limiting yields.
AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™ and other AgriGuardian™ micronutrient products are formulated for rapid taken up and movement throughout the plant. Some of these nutrients are also excreted into the root zone in organic acid forms, helping the uptake of other nutrients and also promoting beneficial microbes.
Foliar fertilization is one the easiest and most economical ways to ensure that crops have all the essential nutrients they need. AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™ and other AgriGuardian™ nutritional products are designed to provide essential nutrients that crops need to produce bountiful, high quality yields using foliar fertilization.
Contact your local AgriGuardian™ distributor for more information on AgriGuardian MicroMix Complete™, AgriGuardian Moly™ and other AgriGuardian™ micronutrient products.