JANUARY '18 NEWSLETTER 二O一八年 一月活動快訊 |
On the morning of December 23rd, witnessed by family members, friends, devotees and venerables of the US Zen Institute, Ven. Yonghui ordained Ven. Atisukhuma (Shenzhi) at US Zen Instutute. 十二月二十三號上午,在家人、朋友、美國禪學院的法師及信徒的見證下, 永會法師於美國禪學院剃度深致法師出家。 |
The Ordination of Ven. Atisukhuma 深致法師出家儀式 Photo credit: Tina Lin / Allen Tsaur |
Ven. Atisukhuma (Shenzhi) was ordained on 12/23 at US Zen Instute and became the newest monastic member at US Zen. May she inspire faith in the Buddha, propagates the Dhamma teachings, and benefits all beings as a field of merits. 深致法師於 12/23 日在美國禪學院出家,成為了禪學院僧團的最新一員,願法師能增長眾生對佛陀的信心、傳播正法、讓眾生廣種福田。 |
US Zen Winter Retreat 美國禪學院 歲末禪七 US Zen hosted a 7-day meditation from 12/24-30. More than seventy participants participated throughout the retreat, with more than forty participated full-time. It is by far the largest retreat ever held at US Zen. In addition, the median age of the participants was in the mid-thirty, which is the youngest it has ever been. It was also the first time where the retreat is conducted primarily in English. We hope to continue this trend in 2018. 美國禪學院於 12/24-30 間舉行了七日的禪修,這次活動前後有超過七十位、來自十個州以及來自中國的學員參加,其中約四十位參加全程,是禪學院近年來最大的禪修活動。這次學員的年齡中位數約是三十多歲,是歷年來最年輕的一次,同時這次禪修也是禪堂第一次主要以英文教導。希望於2018年能夠持續保持這趨勢。 |
January/February Events At US Zen Institute 02/22........"The Foundations of Buddhism" 02/24.........One-Day Meditation Workshop 02/25...........Chinese New Year Ceremony Other Locations 01/04 (THURS) Chuefeng Buddhist Art Foundation Introduction to Sri Lankan Pilgrimage: Holy Places and Caves Click here to register 01/05-07 & 01/11-13 (FRI-SUN) Chuefeng Buddhist Art Foundation Yogacarabhumi-sastra: Sravakabhumi Click here to register 01/27 - 02/03 (SAT-SAT) Mt. Kinabalu Meditation Society Four Sublime Abidings Retreat Click here to register |
一/二月活動 於美國禪學院 02/22............英文佛法讀書會:佛法基本通 02/24................................................一日禪 02/25..............................新春祈福供燈法會 其他地點 01/04 (週四) 北投覺風學院 斯里蘭卡佛教聖地石窟介紹 點此線上報名 01/05-07 & 01/11-13 (週五-週日) 北投覺風學院 《瑜伽師地論‧聲聞地》(下) 點此線上報名 01/27 - 02/03 (週六-週六) 神山禪修中心 四無量心 七日禪 點此線上報名 |
2017: A Year in Review | 2017年回顧 |
7/21-23 & 7/28-30 at Chue Feng Buddhist Art & Culture Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan Yogacarabhumi-sastra: Sravakabhumi Seminar | 《瑜伽師地論‧聲聞地》講座 Photo credit: 覺風佛教藝術文化基金會 |
8/19 at US Zen Institute, Germantown, MD Visit by Ven. Prof. K.L. Dhammajoti | 法光法師教授 參訪美國禪學院 Photo credit: Allen Tsaur |
11/20-26 at Chuang-Yen Monastery, Carmel, NY 7-Day Meditation Retreat | 四無量心禪七 Photo credit: Jason Yeh |
12/02 at Wat Lao Virginia, Lorton, VA IBAA Study Circle | 美國國際佛教協會 佛法研討會 Photo credit: Ven. Ket Tindavong |
12/03 at Great Buddha Monastery, Guangzhou, China Meditation Seminar: The Theories and Method of Meditation | 禪學講座:禪修的原理與方法 Photo credit: 廣州市大佛寺 |
12/23 at US Zen Institute, Germantown, MD Ordination of Ven. Atisukhuma | 深致法師出家 Photo credit: Tina Lin |
12/28 at US Zen Institute, Germantown, MD On day 5 of the winter meditation retreat. a group of 14 meditators made the determination to meditate through the night until sunrise. 在歲末禪七的第五天,十四位學員自發決定徹夜坐禪到天亮。 Photo credit: Allen Tsaur |