Dear Friends,
It will be the first time in 20 years that we won't celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. Four our family it has been an important holiday ever since we lived in the US.
We were very fortunate to enjoy this years Nicola Werner Challenge with manageable Covid restrictions. Compared to the previous edition, more participants joined, more funds were raised and the reach increased significantly.
With our donation we're helping to make a difference in the research project for ORL cancer at the Institut Gustave Roussy and the "cancer chat" at the German Cancer Research Center.
The brochure "L'art est plus fort que la maladie!" and the exposition "Art against cancer" got ready to be shared, however Covid limited the distribution.
We couldn't be more thankful!
Breakthrough vaccination for Covid is almost around the corner, which makes us confident next years Thanksgiving will be a blast and we all can celebrate a very big accomplishment of our societies.
Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S: Add to your agenda September 11, 2021 for Edition N°6!