The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health agency of the United States.
The CDC has publicised for many months that common COVID symptoms in children go beyond the high temperature, new continuous cough or loss/change to smell or taste publicised by the UK Government and NHS.
We have been calling for the UK Government & the NHS to update their websites since the Autumn.
7 months ago The Guardian publicised that the Zoe Covid Symptom Study researchers stated COVID-19 often presents differently in children
Read here
On August 18th 2020 these researchers announced that the
Department of Health had given them a £2 million grant.
COVID symptoms that children commonly display have not yet been
officially publicised by UK Government or the Department of Education
Read here
Research studies from around the world confirm that children with COVID are commonly Atypical or Asymptomatic, so why is this not being made more clear?
Our own Rapid Research Study also showed that children who did not take a test to confirm COVID (due to barriers to testing a child) reported similar initial symptoms to those who did test positive, before going on to develop Long Covid.
Read here and yet these same children are often misdiagnosed and refused access to support services.
This is of interest as many professionals are quick to minimise Long Covid symptoms as 'due to the lockdown'.Gaslighting families leaves them unsupported & children without care. It needs to stop.
The pandemic is GLOBAL.
We can look to the USA for clearer public messaging.
LCK A4 Poster - COVID and Long Covid symptoms in children (in the pack)
CDC Household Risk Checklist
CDC Back to In Person Learning Checklist
CDC COVID Symptoms In Children and Adolescents
Remember - The CDC links should be viewed with the following in mind
Children under 11 are not required to wear masks in the UK
Parents in the USA have the option to temporarily home educate their child