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Woke Marketing

Corporate Social Advocacy
(aka Woke Marketing & Communications)

Let Breakfast Culture help your brand live its authentic self. We see Corporate Social Advocacy (or Woke Marketing as we like to call it becasue we know the true meaning of the AAVE term "woke") as a relatively simple concept that aligns with brand authenticity. Is a brand being truly authentic to its core values? All. The. Time. Not just for one month of the year and not just in their marketing. They demonstrate it with their supply chain. They demonstrate it with their hiring practices. They demonstrate it with their internal culture. They ALWAYS demonstrate it! This is what we call Woke Marketing.


Breakfast Culture’s Woke Marketing & Communications services include:

  • Strategy Development & Planning

  • Media Relations & Publicity

  • Social Media & Digital Strategy

  • Experiential Marketing Services

  • Event Management

  • Stakeholder & Community Relations 

  • Corporate & Brand Marketing

  • Media Kit Development & Design

  • Influencer Campaigns

  • Marketing Collateral & Writing

  • Corporate Social Advocacy Inspirational Talks


Corporate Social Advocacy Inspirational Talks


Breakfast Culture's Corporate Social Advocacy Inspirational Talks provide a fresh and authentic approach to corporate social responsibility for marketing and communications to myriad and diverse audiences including: Women, Racialized, Indigenous, Peoples with Disabilities, LGBTQ+, and more.


Corporate Soocial Advocacy (aka Marketing & Communications): Presentation

​Description: Is a brand being authentic to its core values? All. The. Time. Not just for one month of the year and not just in their marketing. They demonstrate it with their supply chain. They demonstrate it with their hiring practices. They demonstrate it with their internal culture. They ALWAYS demonstrate it! This is what we call Corporate Social Advocacy (aka Woke Marketing). In this session you will learn about #WokeMarketing's "3 Bees."


Focus & Learning Outcomes: A fresh perspective on marketing and communications and how the disciplines relate to corporate social responsibility and intersect with diversity and inclusion; can be customized​​.


  • What are the “3 Bees of Woke Marketing?”

    • Be Authentic.

    • Be Prepared.

    • Be Present.

  • Learn how Corporate Social Advocacy will improve an organization’s bottom line and revenue usually in one of three ways:

    • Cultivating new audiences and customers

    • Creating brand new products

    • Affecting real world human rights legislative change

  • Includes inspirational real life B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) examples covering diversity and inclusion issues that include: race, indigeneity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, age, religion, and more.

  • We finish with the “3 Eh’s” of “Woke Marketing – key takeaways for marketers to execute on the “3 Bees.” 


Audience: Marketing & Communications Professionals, Diversity and Inclusion Professionals, Employee Resource Group Leaders, Senior Leadership and Boards of Directors​​


Woke Marketing Talks
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Woke Marketing Rainbow
Woke Marketing PanAfrican
​​Corporate Social Advocacy – Rainbow Edition: Presentation


​Description: Is a brand or company being truly authentic to its core values? In this presentation you will learn how to demonstrate your inclusive brand through every section of your organization. Utilizing examples from pop culture and case studies focussed on LGBTQ+ communities of how companies have or have not lived up to their brand. Living up to your brand requires ALWAYS demonstrating it! This is what we call Corporate Social Advocacy (aka Woke Marketing). As an introduction to this presentation, we encourage you to read Breakfast Culture’s article "Keeping Pride in a Rainbow Closet."


Focus & Learning Outcomes: A fresh perspective on corporate social responsibility as it relates to the #LGBTQ+ communities, #SquirrelFriend


Corporate Social Advocacy – Pan-African Edition: Presentation​​


Description: Is a brand or company being truly authentic to its core values? In this presentation you will learn how to demonstrate your inclusive brand through every section of your organization. Utilizing examples from pop culture and case studies focussed on African, Caribbean, Black (ACB) communities of how companies have or have not lived up to their brand. Living up to your brand requires ALWAYS demonstrating it! This is what we call Corporate Social Advocacy (aka Woke Marketing). As an introduction to this presentation, we encourage you to read Breakfast Culture’s article "(Cautiously) Hopeful for Transformative Change."​


Focus & Learning Outcomes: A fresh perspective on corporate social responsibility as it relates to the ACB communities, #BLM, #BlackLivesMatter​

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Sarah Matsushita, Director of Communications & Engagement, Ontario Nonprofit Network

“That was a fantastic presentation… I am grateful for your contributions. Our conference attendees were very engaged and found the examples and resources relevant and helpful to their work.”

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