Hello!! We are so excited to share the success made since the launch of MORE. All of you remember in early 2020 when we reached out to you about being a part of this idea—now a published magazine. We are beyond words proud and amazed at the hard work everyone has contributed to this magazine. Without you, we would not be where the magazine is today. We wish we could celebrate the launch of MORE in person with each and every one of the team. It would be a celebration full of laughs, cheers, music, and drinks. We can not thank you enough for the time and energy that you put into MORE. With some numbers and clicks crunched, we wanted to share the impact that you have all made.
Since the launch of MORE in October we have:
Over a 90% increase on our Instagram following
88 likes on Facebook
69 followers on Linkedin
19 new subscribers to our website
211 site sessions (within the last 30 days)
And the growth continues!!
These may seem small, but these are major milestones we are hitting! We will always celebrate the small things and never forget how it all started. We are aiming high and setting reachable goals for future issues.
As we look to the second issue of MORE we are focusing on Education and can’t wait to see everyone’s work come to life! We are geeking over the new ideas everyone has come up with and eager to get started. Issue II will be launching in Spring 2021.
We all know we are now in the holiday season. These times can be enjoyable, stressful, or a big mixture of it all, especially with COVID. While we’ll be celebrating a little differently this year, but we are still here for each other to keep us striving and thriving. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to rant about an annoying relative or share a recipe for that amazing dish you always make ;) We are here to support one another.
If there is ever too much on your plate, (besides the good food you’ll be eating), please don’t hesitate to reach out to talk about your workload or ask any of us questions on your current projects.
Additionally, as we enter this holiday season please consider shopping small + early. Shop early so you won’t run into the dreaded “SOLD OUT” tag, but also shop early to support small businesses that may be struggling this year. A lot of shops have curbside pickup, delivery, and online options. To help make this more accessible, we’ve put together a list of small shops to inspire great gift ideas. Whether you need gifts for that Green Human Bean or the Foodie on your list, we’ve got ya covered with a variety of small shops in the US. If you see any shops missing from our list, please reach out to us so we can get them added.
There is more exciting news! We are printing the first issue of MORE. Pre-orders are starting now for $15 until December 12th! Click the button below to get your copy!
Again, thank you does not explain how grateful we are for each and every one of you. We will be sending out a small token of appreciation + spreading a little holiday cheer, so please reply with your mailing address!