Spring Update Upcoming Workshops and Classes with Sasha Graham |
What are you dreaming of? Security, love, adventure? Creative fulfillment, time, freedom? Laughter, sex, sleep? Tarot takes you where you want to go from Shadow Work to Mindful Cooking, from Basic Tarot Reading to Magical Intentions and even Tarot and Yoga. Tarot takes what's in your mind's eye and spreads it on the table before you offering pathways, solutions, and ideas. The best part? It's simple, fun, and always surprising. It's all about you. |
Shadow Self Workshop River Family Wellness, Callicoon, NY Saturday, May 18th 6:30 - 8:30pm Weave wicked magic out of May's full moon by joining me for a one-night-only full moon journey to greet your Shadow Self. Shadow work brings you into direct alignment with your authentic self. We'll use tarot archetypes (Moon, Devil, Tower) and poetry by David Whyte to deep dive into the recess of untended possibility and creativity. Examine multiple facets of our shadow self and personal fear. Work to transform fear's entropic energy into expansive growth and evolution thus turning obstacles into allies. Workshop will include: Writing Prompts Journaling Exercises Partner Reading Practice Guided Meditation No prior tarot experience required. | | |
Tropical Tarot Magic Workshop & Drum Circle Nokomis, Florida Saturday, June 1st 5:30 - 7:30pm Cards, Cocktails and Intention Crafting $30 per person RSVP: (941) 488-7272 or here or DM @thegulfsands on Instagram. Create intentions and magical actions around your card. Learn simple, intuitive tarot reading techniques and enjoy writing prompts to help you make your wildest dreams come true. Enjoy Gulf Sands' Signature Cocktails. Workshop will end with a walk to the Nokomis Drum Circle! No prior tarot experience required. Gulf Sands Resort 433 Casey Key Road Nokomis, Fl 34275 Special Room Rates Available Mention "Tropical Tarot" when booking. Overnight guests enjoy a free Sunrise Meditation with Sasha Graham. | | |
Enchanted Kitchen Cooking Classes Jeffersonville, NY Tarot card-inspired culinary adventures with author/host Sasha Graham. Jeffersonville Public Library, NY June 25th, July 30th, August 27th 6pm - 8pm Roll up your sleeves, we'll cast and cook together! Learn to place magical intention into the meals you make and transform the kitchen into a mindful, magical space. |
Spirit Quest Expo "Shamanic Tarot" Guest Speaker August 3th Delaware Youth Center, Callicoon, NY Join this incredible, free gathering with workshops, vendors and healers including; Shamanic, Angel, Vibrational, Reiki healing, Akashic readings, Crystals, Essential Oils, Jewelry, Tinctures and more ... | | |
Practical Magic of Tarot Aum Shanti Bookshop, NYC 4 Week Class! Practical reading techniques, partner practice, lecture, meditations and journaling prompts. September 10th - October 1st Every Tuesday night. More info TBA | | |
Awaken Inner Magic Tarot and Yoga Stockbridge, Ma. Alison DeNicola and I return to Kripalu, February 21, 22 & 23, 2020 Grab your yoga mat, a pack of cards and meet us there! |
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Rider Waite Smith Tarot Use this text as a workbook! The best part of authoring is when people share how they work with my materials. Many of you have shown me this book, filled to the brim with handwritten notes, observations, and discoveries. Tarot is endless and no one can illuminate the deck with meanings, introspections and intuitions like you can. Dive in, mark it up, and make your tarot practice your own. | | |
Don't wait for someone else to define your destiny. Create it yourself! Wishing you an enchanted, evocative Springtime. |