MEIJER SIMPLY GIVE SPRING CAMPAIGN Now through June 22 you can support Lakeshore Food Club through the Meijer Simply Give campaign. How does it work? Purchase a Simply Give card in-store for $10, and Meijer will convert those donations to food-only gift cards for LFC. You can also pick up a card at the Food Club and be ready before you even shop! Better yet, make your donation on Double Match Days - May 31 June 14 - and your $10 donation will purchase $30 worth of food for local families in need! These funds are incredibly important in sustaining the future of LFC and for keeping diverse, healthy options on the shelves. If you'd like to contribute to the Double Match, you can make your donation now and we'll do the legwork of multiplying your gift times three! Donate today, and make sure to include in your PayPal or check memo "Simply Give." |
PARTY @LUDINGTON BAY! Ludington Bay Brewing is celebrating their second birthday, and they're giving a huge gift to Lakeshore Food Club - and maybe you! Buy a pint glass and be entered to win some fantastic prizes! Even better--> make a donation of $25 (or more!) to support an LFC family for one month, and Ludington Bay will MATCH your donation! Mark your calendar for May 17 & 18, and check out all the event details here. Thanks to our generous partners at Ludington Bay! |
LOVE LUDINGTON FOOD DRIVE Show love to Mason County residents by getting involved in the Community Food Drive leading up to Love Ludington weekend! June 1-10, stop by select downtown businesses to drop off food items for LFC! And don't forget to sign up to be part of the World Record Attempt. Even sweeter, sign up to volunteer as part of the Food Club crew, and get a free LFC t-shirt to show your pride! Please email Kate to join the team! |
GARDEN OPEN HOUSE Lakeshore Food Club is a proud member of the LiveWell Mason Food Council, and LFC will be part of the Food Council's Community Garden Open House on June 1st. [Be sure to visit the LFC table to pick up your Grow A Row sign!] This event is free and for anyone, young or old, who wants to learn more about growing food. Check out the community garden, pick up some seeds, plants and gardening supplies, ask your burning gardening questions and enter to win some amazing prizes. If raining, the event will be held inside the United Methodist Church. Join us for this fun, FREE, family event! More details here! |
OUTDOOR FUN THIS SUMMER Once again Lakeshore Food Club is partnering with MSU Extension instructor Kendra Gibson for some amazing summer program series! Walk It Out! is a wellness club for everyone! Participants will walk together and explore topics around healthy food and lifestyles. Lots of samples and giveaways! Eat A Rainbow is back again this summer to educate kids ages 4-7 about food and nutrition. The Eat A Rainbow garden has been expanded for 2019 thanks to a generous grant from our friends at the Margaret Shaw Memorial Fund. Register for these great programs by calling 231.845.3363 or email |
WISHLIST May is women's donation focus: hair care products, razors, deodorant, skin care items, feminine hygiene products, and anything you or the women in your life find essential! Donations may be dropped off any time LFC is open. Click below for the master list of donation inspiration. [June donations focus will be men's personal care items.] | | |
CHEERS TO VOLUNTEERS A big thanks to everyone who came to our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on April 11. What a lovely night of delicious food, camaraderie and fun. A special thanks to Karen Kosniewski, Mel Bradley and Bill Wolf who gave extra time and effort to make the evening great! (And of course thanks to all who made it a speedy clean-up!) Even though "National Volunteer Week" has come and gone, we want to send big love to our incredible volunteer team each and every day. They are there every step of the way, attending Breakfast with Benefits, staffing fundraisers, collecting donations at the Post Office (story below) and everywhere in between. We wouldn't be here without you all! |
STAMP OUT HUNGER On Saturday, May 11, the National Association of Letter Carriers held its 27th annual "Stamp Out Hunger" nation-wide food drive. The Ludington Post Office chose Lakeshore Food Club as its beneficiary - and we are SO grateful! Food Club volunteers (some pictured above) came out to the Post Office to help unload trucks, weigh food items and transport donations to LFC. | | |