NEW! Yoga for Chronic Respiratory Conditions Yogic exercises have been shown to have positive effects on people with asthma, cardiac diseases, diabetes, depressive disorders and arthritis. Yoga can reduce shortness of breath in patients with chronic lung disease by toning up general body systems, increasing respiratory stamina, relaxing chest muscles, expanding the lungs, raising energy levels, and calming the body. Additionally, yoga training improves blood circulation and increases the strength of respiratory muscles. Finally, yoga training also helps patients to breathe more deeply by utilizing the shoulder, thoracic, and abdominal muscles efficiently. Join our Respiratory Therapist/Certified Yoga Teacher for our very first Yoga for Chronic Respiratory Conditions program. In this 10-week program (2 sessions/week), you will practice physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to support you in managing your condition. Information Session Thursday February 1 @ 1- 2:30pm Program Dates Program runs for 10-weeks (2 sessions/week). Mondays & Thursdays @ 1:30-2:45pm, from February 22nd - April 26th, 2018 |
Mindfulness Meditation Meditation is a powerful tool for allowing us to better connect with the present moment. Often times we wind up focusing too much on the past, worrying excessively about the future, or simply rushing mindlessly through our days, that we fail to be truly engaged in life, which is happening now. Mindfulness Meditation helps us to cultivate a certain presence, or mindfulness, which allows us to fully accept the present moment without judgement. Practicing mindfulness has an enormously beneficial effect on our overall well-being; improving both our physical and mental health. We invite you to join us for our Mindfulness Meditation program, led by our very own Mental Health Counsellors. In this 4-part workshop series, you will be guided through your practice, and gain a deeper understanding of mindfulness, meditation, and how you can start truly transforming your health today. Information Session Wednesday, February 7 @ 12 - 1:30pm Program Dates Program runs for 4-weeks (1 session/week). Mondays @ 9:30 - 12pm, from March 5th - March 26th |
Maximize Your Health Do you have a chronic health condition such as diabetes, lung, kidney, heart disease, or any other conditions? This six-week group environment workshop teaches action planning, problem solving, relaxation techniques, communication skills, and more! Program Dates Program runs for 6-weeks (1 session/week). Wednesdays @ 9:30 - 12pm, from February 21st - March 28th |
Heart Health Join our next Healthy Heart class to learn more about how diet and other lifestyle factors can help reduce the risk of developing, or slowing the progression of, heart disease. We dive into the specifics of a heart healthy diet and how to incorporate physical activity and other positive changes to improve your health. Program Dates Tuesday February 27th @ 9:30 - 11:30am |
Living with Diabetes February 1st @ 9:30am - 12:30pm ..... Tiny Tots February 22nd @ 10am - 12pm ..... The Social February 23rd @ 10am - 12pm |