CSC Newsletter ︳February 2021 |
Stay Home, Stay Safe! Visit the DMV Online DMV encourages Californians to complete their DMV tasks (vehicle registration renewals and driver’s license renewals) through its new website from the safety of home, or through other service channels such as DMV NOW kiosks conveniently located in grocery stores around the state. (Message brought by DMV statewide campaign) DMV鼓勵加州居民透過其新網站或其他服務渠道(例如: 便利店雜貨店中的DMV NOW信息亭)協助您完成續簽車輛登記和駕駛執照。 | | |
"CSC stands with Californians during this difficult time!" 疫情嚴峻 熱情不減 – 華埠服務中心與加州地區人民共渡時艱 CSC is still providing FREE essential social services of Medi-Cal and Covered CA renewal and application, US Citizenship application, green card, and Calfresh renewal (213) 808-1787 華埠服務中心 秉承一貫作風繼續為您提供免費所需的社會服務,包括申請公民入籍/ 綠卡續期, 豁免/ 減低申請費用, 申請醫療白卡(Medi-Cal)並跟進進度, 協辦加州全保(Covered California),請致電(213)808-1787!其他諮詢請電:(213) 808-1700 |
CSC MOBILE CLINIC: CSC launches a new mobile COVID-19 test unit. Special thanks to Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Grant is providing support for this mobile COVID-19 test service stationed at the Chinatown Los Angeles, Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. RSVP @ (213) 808-1792. 華埠服務中心醫療專車 正式啟動 現已投入服務! 感謝美國銀行 Neighborhood Builders Grant 提供的20萬美元支持, 贈款可為約20,000人提供免費『 冠狀病毒測試 』。週一至週五上午9點半至下午3點半, 位於洛杉磯唐人街。預約查詢請電: (213) 808-1792 |
CHC Medical Clinic: "Due to the pandemic situation, there is a need for both COVID-19 vaccine and testing. Dodger Stadium has stopped all COVID-19 testings with the county to better prepare to vaccinate all health care workers. However, there is still a significant surge of new COVID-19 cases happening in Los Angeles. Now, CSC is here to serve you and provide free COVID-19 testing for our communities!" On Saturday, January 23, 2021, the Core partners with the LA County worked together with CSC to offer free public COVID-19 testing for over 100 people in the rain, with their PCR mouth swab that had results come out in 48-72 hours in LA. We provide a few COVID-19 tests: - SOFIA-15 minute shows a preliminary result;
- Two types of PCR COVID-19 - Nasal & Saliva. Test results in 5-10 business days!
Friendly reminder that continues to Stay Safe, Social Distancing, Only Go Out for Essential Needs, & Always Wear A Mask!! WE ARE ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU!!! |
Understanding Emotional Intelligence Workshop 情緒智商知多少 Date: 02/22/2021 Time: 12:00 PM, PST Content: What is emotional intelligence? You may have heard of EQ as a huge buzzword in the past few years. As social beings, it is a very important skill to develop and grow! 內容: 什麼是情緒智商? 大家對EQ也很熟悉, EQ簡稱"情緒商數," 它代表一個人的情緒智商(Emotional Intelligence)之能力。簡單地說,EQ是一個人自我情緒管理以及管理他人情緒的能力指數!齊與我們了解更多! | | |
| | LA County Certification 洛杉磯縣小企業證書 Date: 02/18/2021 Time: 3:00 PM, PST Content: Learn Doing Business with LA County & Certification Process & Requirements! | | |
| | PPP & EIDL Webinar (Info Session) with SBA SBA 現場解答薪資保護計劃 (PPP) & 經濟損害賑災貸款 (EIDL) Date: 02/25/2021 Time: 11:00 AM, PST | | |
| | FREE Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP 2021) 創業網上講座 Date: 02/25 & 02/26/2021, 03/2021, 04/2021 Content: Obtaining free webinars RSVP links by requesting a one-hour free consultation & sign counseling info form. | | |
| | SBA 採購網上講座: 聯邦政府承包計劃 Intro to Government Contracting - SBA Procurement Webinar Date: 03/18/2021 Time: 11:00 AM, PST Content: Learn how to do business with the government | | |
FREE TAX PREP (2/13 ~ 4/15) 免費報稅服務資訊 & 預約 請致電: (213) 808-1795 現可網上預約 (Book Online NOW!) | | |
CSC Youth Jason Huang - His G.P.A improved from 1.75 to 3.85 after tutoring @CSC Youth Center, and because of your continuous support of our work! |
With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting everyday life, we thank you so very much for your continued support & generous donation to our cause: |
Mrs. Dinh Lau, Mr. Kenneth Lau, KENKO Freight Services, Inc. $20,000 |
Mrs. Anna & Mr. Jim Lee, LEE'S NOODLE $10,000 |
Dr. Tit Sang Li & Dr. Nga Wan Wong, LI FAMILY FOUNDATION $10,000 |
"Since 1971, Chinatown Service Center.... provides outstanding services to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities in Southern California. Every year, over 20,000 unduplicated individuals with more than 103,000 annual assistance and encounters, over 96% in the low-to-moderate income range, were assisted through our services." |
Copyright © 2019 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved. Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. 華埠服務中心是501(c)3的非營利、非政治、非宗教的慈善機構,所有善款均可扣稅。 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter |