Welcome to Advent!
The season of anticipating the coming of the holy healing child has begun. We wait for the incarnation once again.
I have been hard at work looking at the incarnation through the eyes and body of Mary, the mother of the babe Jesus. Her story is the story of incarnation. Her body brings this child into the world. Her voice echoes across many generations calling for the lowly to be lifted up and praising the God who speaks life and light who is coming into the world. As you will see, these themes will be evident in my painting and writing.
Wilda C. Gafney’s translation of Psalm 78:4 speaks of “the praiseworthy deeds of SHE WHO SPEAKS LIFE and her might and the wonderful works she has done.” Generations will remember what God has done as Mary has said! As we come closer to the fulfillment of the promise of this God who speaks light and life, who sends a healing holy child unto us, we receive the gift of healing light. Let it be with me.
Each Monday of Advent, I’ll have a new article for Baptist News Global to share with you about Mary, the first is “The Blood of Advent.” Each article will feature art, women and birth stories, and my unique theological thinking. Next week will be "The Pain of Advent."
From this week's article:
“Mary is the hero of her own story, of God’s story, and she gets sent to the corner or just ignored entirely. This is the real “war” on Christmas — that we have not seen Mary in her own story.
Before Mary, only one time in Scripture is a woman given credit for her own offspring. Mary begets Jesus. I should hope so; Joseph did not contribute sperm. Men are used to getting all the credit."
I have also collaborated with 3MMM for their Advent series “Deep Peace.” Each week will feature one of my paintings with poetry and visio divina, which is a way of contemplative meditation that invites a sacred image to lead you in reflection and to take you beyond the image to the presence of the holy. I invite you to take some quiet time to experience SHE WHO SPEAKS LIGHT AND LIFE through art and meditation this Advent.
If my work is meaningful to you this Advent, please help me broaden my reach by sharing on socials- scroll to the bottom and click the icons!