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Founders & CEOs: Demystify sales and get control of revenue

CEOs should be in control of their sales and sales results. When they're not it drains their time, energy and focus. When they are, they succeed. If you're ready to get control of your sales let's have a conversation.


Sales are stuck and you don't know how to fix it

Is the problem with the salesperson, the customer, or your solution?

There are many ways that getting a prospects attention and turning them into a customer can fail.

Here are a few of the ways sales can go wrong:


Emails that don't get meetings.


Prospects that don't respond to your proposals.


Salespeople who tell you good news but don't deliver their promised results.


You can't forecast sales.


The customer doesn't understand why it's in their best interest to buy from you, now.


Compensation plans are confusing,


and so many more.

The best performing companies use a 3-part process to fix and grow sales.


First, they pinpoint and prioritize the problems to focus on the biggest constraints that are stopping sales.

Next, they fix the problems by creating and improving key touch points between their prospects, sales process, messaging, accountability and key metrics to show if the changes are making sales grow or fall.

Finally, the improvements are documented, implemented, coached and handed back to the company to continue to lead and grow sales.


The Program

This is a coaching and consulting program that puts the CEO and their team firmly in control of converting prospects into new customers and onboarding and leading their salespeople.


Get More Sales

Say and send the right messages, to the right people, at the right time, to advance deals through the sales process from prospect to close to new customer.


Win More Deals

Level up sales skill and activity with The 4 Types of Sales Meetings to prioritize deals, activity, coaching and accountability for your sales team and salespeople.


Gain More Control

Predict what you, every salesperson, and your team will sell next month and next quarter. Know today if they will miss their sales goals, if its fixable, and what to do now if its not.

Rob Dambrosia Headshot 1- Cropped.jpg

Rob D'Ambrosia
Founder & CEO
Ctuit Software

“Steve's sales leadership and insight was critical to growing sales 7x in 36 months leading to the successful sale of the company! "
Joris Heijnen.png

Joris Heijnen

Founder & Chairman

"Steve is an excellent executive coach and sales consultant. He provided clarity and focus that equipped me to hire our first sales team, add $800K+ in revenue, and hire a great CEO to lead GreenDish day-to-day."

Stephany Rodriguez

Sales Manager

“Steve quickly identified our key problems and gave us a plan with practical actions to find and win more deals. The following month we exceeded quota and closed a record number of sales.”

An Irresistible Offer

An irresistible offer overcomes gaps in sales skills, copywriting, and execution. Irresistible offers flip the script: Ideal customers push to buy from you, instead of you "convincing" them. 

Sales Compensation

Create a compensation plan that incentivize and rewards results for your company, your clients, and your salespeople.

Sales Playbook

Know what to say, do and write at every step of the sales process to advance your opportunities toward a decision.

Coaching & Accountability

There are only 4 types of sales meetings: Accountability & Coaching, Public & Private. Learn and apply each one to grow your teams skills & execution quarter over quarter.


1 / How are you different from a marketing agency?

Marketing agencies are focused on getting you visibility and leads. We work with your marketing team to convert those leads into new customers. In addition, we create sales generated activity to create new customers.

2 / How are you different from an outsourced VP of Sales?

At their best, outsourced VP of Sales are masters of execution. They step into your sales leadership role on your behalf and to run your sales team. Our focus is on creating the playbook for your sales leadership, in-house or outsourced leadership, and salespeople to execute against, coaching you and your team to win deals, lead sales, and validate that you're finding and focusing on the most effective ways to win new customers.

3 / Don't we just need sales training?

It's possible that's all you need. Our clients have found that sales training is one of the keys to unlock sales success, the other two being an irresistible offer and expert advice on how to solve sales and lead generation problems in real-time.

Ready to Get Control of Revenue?

Let's talk

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