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How to help

Given the unprecedented times of Covid-19, young carers need support more than ever. Here are some practical things that will help during this uncertain period:

  • Email THIS LETTER to The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and CC in your MP?

  • If you’re a teacher, you'll know how different lessons are now they've moved online. Why not nominate a lead person in your school to make regular contact with young carers. Sometimes young carers don't know what support is out there. A phone call could save a life. If you are looking to do some work with young people, why not do some work around young carers? Check out some cool resources here 

  • If you work for the NHS or if you’re a GP or pharmacist, thank you for all the work you're doing! When you come into contact with young people, THINK YOUNG CARER. Refer and signpost us to local services that can help us. You can save a life by identifying a hidden young carer.

  • If you work with or know someone who you think might be a young carer, contact your local young carers service.

  • HELP US SPREAD THE WORD. Tweet this image and don't forget to use the hashtags! Tag us @WhoCaresAction and link people to our website -

Thank you so much!! These small actions will make a huge difference.

Photo Credit: The Other Richard

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