The election's over & Lil Bear won't stop going... |
...IN THE HOUSE!! For a week, every day, puddles and piles in various locations for no reason. Yesterday, I told Richie, my better-half, that "Lil Bear was upset." He said, "Over what?" "The election", I replied matter-of-factly. Well, this garnered a large laugh to which I exclaimed, "No, I'm serious!!". Through his even louder howls, he said, "I KNOW YOU ARE, THAT'S WHY IT'S FUNNY!" It has already been a rough year for the planet and the high emotions of last week are still reverberating in most sentient beings. Whether your take is that the election was somehow flawed, or are upset that their wasn't a bigger landslide, one thing is a fact: WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME DAMN HOUSE AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP PEEING IN IT! You hear me dog?!! I've never forgotten this story. Well, that's actually not true because I can't remember where I heard it or who even the players were but I "think" it involved Steven Speilberg (?) who was in negotiations for some deal and when all was said and done he left with less than what he wanted, as did the other person. And 'THAT' he said was how he new it was good/fair deal, "because everyone left miserable." And America, this is where we are right now. I'm no math major but looking at the makeup of the Congress and vote tally, I'd say pretty much half the country liked Trump and half liked Biden. Which is PRECISELY why I made a video about Hillary. . . |
. . . and that is what is known as a non-sequitur or "a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement." I hope it brings some levity to you and yours. |
For context, should you need it, this is a picture of Rudy Giuliani, Trump's lawyer, mistakenly holding a press conference at the Four Seasons Landscaping Company, NOT the luxury hotel. |
That's right, folks. I, Rosemary Herschel Watson finally got signed by a great VOICEOVER agency. A puppeteer working on that funny show I did on Fox (which if you haven't seen, turned out GREAT!!! See videos on my site) told Pat Brady about me at CESD and voila. I just my first job, too!! | | |
What else have you been doing tho'. . . |
Thanks for asking! I've re-built my mother's website this past month, It does not even come close to showcasing her life's work of musical arrangements. I'll be adding to it for the next 45 years, so please, please, if you know anyone who wants to learn harp or who plays it, send 'em the link. PLEASE! |
Home | www.bestharpsheetmusic.comAt Best Harp Sheet Music .com you'll find CLASSICAL, SACRED, WEDDING, POP and CHRISTMAS harp arrangements ranging in complexity for both pedal and lever harp. Gigging harp professionals, harp teachers, university and college harp departments, beginning lever students and hobbyists of will love these beautiful arrangements crafted by veteran arranger, Sharon Watson. |
HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY tomorrow to all who have served to keep democracy alive, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MARINE CORPS today. Below is my favorite Vet, Richie alongside one of his heroes and a truly remarkable guy, Charlie Bolden Jr. |
If you missed my PANDEMIC FILM NOIR series of 15 movie clips, watch 'em here on youtube. I think they're pretty funny and only one is 'political' but it's funny too, when you know the actual backstory. | | |
HAVE YOU SIGNED UP TO JOIN IN MY FORUM YET? It's a place where we can chat like Facebook but without the messy after taste of Mark Zuckerberg. Check out my favorite recipe for pumpkin bread using almond flour and monkfruit stuff instead of sugar. | | |
HERE'S A RANDOM GO-FUND ME THAT I FOUND INCREDIBLE!! If you have extra this month or can even just share the link and spread good. |
Robert Carter adopts 5 siblings, organized by Jamie Sorgeloos This is a wonderful, selfless act that a single man, worked hard to provide a bigger, better home so he was able to have the three foster boys, and their two sisters all come together. He officially adopted all 5 siblings, and became not only a father. |