Hey, All.
Hope each of you is safe and healthy.
This month, I have four topics concerning the Hydra Troop, games stats and achievements, Gog and Magog, and my ongoing health issues. Following this Newsletter, the next will be in January. Therein I plan to resume the HoMM3 Recollections.
Until next time.
Fanstratics Game Director & Designer
P.S. A fan emailed and asked I mention the tabletop game Heroes Glory. It appears to be a fan created project with questionable legality. Check and it out for yourself, and if it appeals to you, be sure to do your research before making a commitment.
Fanstratics Troop: Hydra
If there is a true agent of chaos on the Battlefield, it is the Boggish Hydra. Surprisingly fast, despite its absence of legs, the Hydra thrives when surrounded. Possessing five individual heads, this beast can engage multiple Enemies when attacking and defending. Adding to this overwhelming Assault, is the Hydra's natural ability to Poison its targets, lowering their total Health for a few rounds. Few top-tier Troops can occupy and decimate an army's lower rank like this slithering savage.
Because the Hydra is well-known mythological creature, numerous artists have explored almost every conceptual and visual avenue. So, when rendering this Troop, there was little to do... other than doing it well. Between Justin and I, the process was smooth, and went something like the following.
Me, “Hey, Justin. I need a Hydra. Five snake heads. No legs. Rattle tail.”
Justin, “Okay.”
Four thumbnails later... me, “I like the extra tails. Green light.”
Fun stuff. :-)
For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, check out a VOD from his Twitch stream.
Fanstratics Question: Will the game include global game stats and achievements?
Possibly. I’m not a big fan of 'achievements', but I understand why some people like them. If I implement achievements, it would be a post-release addition.
HoMM3 Question: Is the design for Gog and Magog, in Inferno, derived from the leaders who rebel against Christ in the Bible?
The names 'yes. The visual designs 'no'.
Health Update and its impact on FST development
For those who do not know, I contracted the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in early November 2022. In mid-January 2023, my aliment progressed into Long Covid or Long Haul Covid. Since then, my symptoms have evolved and changed, but in general, my health has not improved. In truth, it has worsened.
Last year, before I was subdued by fatigue, brain fog, chest pain, etc., I managed about one to four hours of work each day. This year, I have managed about one hour of work each day. A keto/carnivore diet, along with semi-regular painkillers, helps minimize my symptoms, but there is no medicinal silver bullet. I don’t know how long this illness will last, but thankfully... I do have family support. Without it, I have no doubt my situation would be dire.
As for Fanstratics... development has slowed to a crawl (obviously). I have considered canceling the game, or putting it on indefinite hold, but truthfully... I’d continue working on it in private. So, I’ll keep grinding, and chip away at it as much as my condition allows. At the very least, I will continue publishing the quarterly Newsletter until my stories about Heroes3 development reach a logical conclusion. When those recollections finish, we'll see what happens next.
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