Seasons Greetings Delta Theta Sisters! What a year! Definitely one for the record books! I sit in awe when I think of how all of you continuously persevered, sharing your love, struggles, and lives with each other these past 12 months. We were all faced with challenges this year that brought to new light, the invaluable nature of our connections as Sisters. While 2020 brought many abrupt and unexpected changes to our "normal" routines and traditions, I have found that these changes forced us to take stock and evaluate what is most important. Our Sisters and Our Fraternity quickly and adeptly pivoted this year, redirecting and adapting our strengths and energies to provide full and valuable impacts on the lives of our Sisters and our Communities. Reflecting on this monumental year makes me more thankful than ever before for our Loving.Leading.Lasting Sisterhood in Alpha Gamma Delta. ~ LiEP Erin Johnson Artman '01 Delta Theta Alumnae President |
Alumnae Editor Notes: Hello Fellow Alpha Gam Sisters! 2020 has been a year of challenges and surprises for our world and sisterhood. As a sister graduating in May of 2020, I can say that the bonds of sisterhood are stronger than ever. Our collegiate chapter sisters have taken on the challenge of 2020 with grace and strength allowing every member to feel included and appreciated for their contribution to the sisterhood. Our collegiate and alumnae women have found creative and innovative ways to keep the spirit of our sisterhood and of Alpha Gam alive. It is this year like many, we evaluate what we have been thankful for as well as continue our forward thinking into the next coming year. Thank you ladies, for always embodying the best of what our of Alpha Gamma Delta Values. ~ Victoria Jerusal '16 Delta Theta Alumnae Chapter Editor |
Alumnae Permanent Secretary Notes: Hello ladies, We have had a great many achievements this past year that we would love to share with you. View all awards in the News and Archive section of the Delta Theta Alumnae website. The link to these award announcements can be found below. ~ Rachel Turner-Bensen '91 Permanent Secretary of Alumnae Alumnae Awards Committee Chair |
NEWS & ARCHIVE | alumnaechapterPublished yearly, our Chapter Newsletters highlight exciting happenings with the Collegiate Chapter, our Alumnae Sisterhood events, and global community involvement of 6 decades (and growing!). As Delta Theta Alumnae, we are spread literally all throughout the United States and abroad! Some of our biggest concentrations of members reside in the Moscow, Lewiston Clarkston, Northern Idaho, Boise, Western and Eastern Washington. |
Chapter Advisor Notes Delta Theta Chapter Advisor 2020. I could probably just write those numbers and everybody would know how the year went. The ups and downs and twists and turns were endless this year. However, the women of Delta Theta kept our heads high and persevered. The collegians started their spring semester just like any other year; planning socials, philanthropies, sisterhoods, etc. The women left for spring break like usual but this time, they spent the remainder of the semester finishing their classes online and only returned to campus to collect their things from the chapter house. COVID-19 brought a lot of uncertainty but these women handled it with more grace than I could ever imagine. From the very start of this craziness, the collegians and advisor team buckled in and did everything to make sure that the chapter continued to thrive. We all listened to more webinars than we thought possible, attended more meetings over Zoom than you can imagine, and kept the wheels turning with the help of so many people. We worked with IHQ to make sure that Delta Theta was keeping up with all of our requirements. We worked with the FHC to help ensure that the women would be able to safely move into the chapter facility come the fall semester. We also worked with campus officials to make sure that everyone could return to campus safely. Recruitment was nothing like it has been in the past; it was fully virtual this year. Nevertheless, the women recruited around 25 amazing women and were able to once again fill the chapter house. They continue to recruit women through the COB process and we get to add more incredible women to our sisterhood. Speaking of adding incredible women to our sisterhood, this fall we were able initiate our lovely Property Advisor, Renee Skau, through our alumnae initiation process. She has been an invaluable asset to our advisor team for the last year and a half and we are so excited to finally be able to call her a sister. Chapter leadership went above and beyond the call of duty this fall semester. Managing every curve ball that came their way. Watching all of them grow as leaders has made these unprecedented times completely worth it. They were able to learn so many skills they will be able to use for the rest of their lives. Although those officers have now passed on the torch, this new group of chapter officers is rearing and ready to take hold and continue to help keep Delta Theta on the track for success. Despite all the downs of this year, I know that Delta Theta is going to continue to flourish and I cannot believe that I get the opportunity to be a small part of it. I have learned so much throughout this year with the help of my outstanding fellow advisors, I know that we can only continue to go up from here. I cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for all of us; alumnae and collegians alike. Loyally, ~ Monica Baker '14 |
Collegiate Chapter Notes 2019-2020 Collegiate Chapter President This school year started off with lots in our path at Delta Theta, but 2020 brought us many good things. In February, Giovanna G (VP Member Education '19-20), Carley G (VP Chapter Wellness '19-20), Julia V (VP Recruitment '19-20), and I went to Indianapolis for the 2020 Academy for Colligate Officers. We had a BLAST and we truly learned a lot of valuable information on how to create a sisterhood that is self-fulfilling and genuine. Those tools and classes, I genuinely think helped us to survive the coming months, unbeknownst to us at the time. We ended the Spring 2020 term with a prepared and dedicated membership prepared for what may come in the fall. The property team and I spent many hours planning for the fall to keep everyone safe and accountable, to great success. Delta Theta was awarded honor roll for Most Improved Chapter for the 2018-2020 biennium colligate awards and honor roll for Best Chapter Advisor (Monica Baker). Julia, Taylor (Director of membership '19-20), and I worked round the clock over the summer to prepare for a mainly in-person recruitment, only to switch to a fully virtual experience during polish week. We were able to recruit an amazing PC'20 from our laptops in while sitting in closets, sleeping porches and nooks with minimal technical difficulties! We managed to keep most chapter functions normal, by adapting and using Zoom to keep our home full and comfortable. I was so glad be given to opportunity to lead the 2019-2020 Executive Council this year and I am so happy that the chapter has elected Julia to be their next leader! ~ Lily Hodgson '17 2020-2021 Collegiate Chapter President Given that all of us have been immersed in a global pandemic over the last nine months, it seems almost wrongful to say that, as an Alpha Gam, 2020 has been one of the most exciting and rewarding years of my college experience. Truly, Covid-19 has brought about several unexpected obstacles. Yet, as a sisterhood, we’ve thrived under the circumstances, more so than I could have possibly envisioned. While we’ve had to develop new ways of learning, new ways of functioning among the places in which we live and work, and new methods of connecting with those we love. I’ve experienced patterns of unforeseen benefits that have resulted from these challenges. Devoting myself to Alpha Gamma Delta over the last two and a half years has shown me that Alpha Gams consistently flourish under difficult circumstances that appear nearly impossible to thrive under. The incredible women whom I’m proud to call my sisters almost always run with the challenges they face, showing bravery in their endeavors. My sorority sisters are always willing to help those who are struggling in doing so along the way, which is something I greatly admire. Without a doubt, even with all that 2020 has created, Alpha Gams are inspiring others and impacting the world. We’ve brought about joy and touched others through our philanthropic focus, on-campus involvement, work in the classroom, and through extracurricular activities. Myself and three of my sisters had the pleasure of being a part of the Vandal Marching Band this past fall. Seeing as though Covid-19 prevented us from playing wind instruments, we tackled the challenge of using plastic bins as percussion instruments instead, and the first recorded video of us humorously playing these makeshift instruments made it onto the Boise news station, then Spokane and Lewiston, and finally, featured on ABC World News. Though masks have been strictly required in all on-campus classrooms, this hasn’t prevented our sisters from being on the Vandal Cheer squad, conducting research in labs, and utilizing our creative abilities to our fullest potential. Our sisters have engaged in on-campus jobs, ranging from tutoring to tour guiding through the Campus Visits Office to working for KUOI, the university radio station. We’ve seeked out new methods for volunteering within our community than ever before, reading books to children over Zoom and lending a hand to local food banks in any way possible, for instance, giving back to the world’s work in unique ways. Alpha Gam received the Outstanding Community Service Award and the Outstanding Member Education Award during the 2020 Fraternity & Sorority Life Awards ceremony at the end of the Spring 2020 semester, for all of our recent accomplishments. Due to the pandemic, our sisterhood has been united more closely than ever before. We’ve continued to recruit diverse and driven new members to our chapter, which has been particularly challenging with all the restrictions that the pandemic has formulated. Many of us have been present more often inside our home than we would normally be, which has naturally brought us more closely together. I’m proud to say that we’ve still been able to safely conduct sisterhoods, and held our Initiation ceremony fairly normally in November, holding all of our I-Week activities outdoors in beautiful Moscow before the winter weather became apparent. Through it all, our sisters have flourished in academics and surpassed countless goals that we’ve continued to set for ourselves. Several Alpha Gams have graduated this year, and ventured out to find internships and job opportunities after college life, a seemingly rigorous task to accomplish under 2020’s challenges. Though this year has presented countless difficulties for us all, it has made me even more proud to be a part of this incredible sisterhood than I was before, and I’m extremely hopeful for all that we will accomplish collectively in the new year. ~ Julia Vanis '18 |