Proper 21B
Commentary, Mark 9:38-50 | Jeff Bassett
If you have been following along in Mark, you have seen the increasing intensity of the call to discipleship. You have noticed Jesus’ explicit embrace of the cross as the necessary way that lays before him and anyone who follows him. And here—not long after the ground-shaking event of the transfiguration—Jesus confronts the insularity of the community of followers that he has gathered around him. It is an event that seems so petty and small given what happens around it, yet there it is. A man is healing in Jesus’s name. The disciples cannot stand it so they tell him to stop.
Commentary, Numbers 11:24-29 | Stephen Riley
“Are you jealous for my sake? If only all the Lord’s people were prophets because the Lord would place his Spirit upon them.” This narrative from Israel’s experience in the wilderness reminds us of three very important things in the life of faith. First, we cannot do everything. This is not the first or last reminder of Moses’ inability to carry the burden of leading God’s people all alone. It is reminder that the people of God are intended to share the work of God’s purposes in the world.
Commentary, Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 | Marissa Coblentz
I pastor a tiny church. Like, seriously small. I’ve preached to one person; I’ve preached to more children than adults; I’ve preached when there were more visitors than regulars. This is a regular test of my faith. I am the heir to a kingdom that cannot be shaken, but scripture doesn’t say anything about my particular little Nazarene church.
Commentary, James 5:13-20 | Sarah McGee
Every time I read through the Book of James, there is a feeling of both optimistic encouragement and a punch in the stomach. Preaching through James over the past few weeks has been a rather humbling experience. There have been moments in my quiet time, personal study and sermon preparations that the Holy Spirit has “checked” me over feelings and areas in my life that aren’t quite healed- we all have them and mine are no different than my fellow pastors or those in my congregation.
Commentary, Psalm 124 | Valerie Wigg
“Life throws us curveballs when we least expect them, but we overcome them with lots of love and courage.” Now, call me un-American, but I am not a huge fan of baseball nor do I know precisely how difficult it is to hit a curveball. But something I do know is that the term “curveball” has come to mean much, much more than a pitch thrown to stump the batter, falling to one side or the other when least expected.
Grace and Peace,
Danny from A Plain Account