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What will Vital Village offer?

Vital Village will manage and co-ordinate a range of programmes and resources that address health, wellbeing and sustainability. Examples include a Zero Waste Food Depot, Stuff Depot, Community Space Rental, Educational Workshops, an Eco-Shop and more.

Vital Village is in talks with local initiatives that could make use of the space on a regular basis and provide much needed services, such as quality wraparound childcare for families with children at our local schools.

We will engage with the community and call out for collaborators to support various programmes and initiatives. Your expertise and enthusiasm will move us all forward! Together, we thrive.

What is Vital Village?

Vital Village is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that will create a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable hub that serves as the heart of our local communities – The Dittons, Hinchley Wood and Weston Green.

We aspire to be the go-to destination where people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities come together to connect, feel good, learn and thrive. 

Together, we thrive

Vital Village – our new Community Hub

Please join us to help shape the future of Vital Village and its community programmes. Click here to learn more

Where will Vital Village be based?

Vital Village will run from the Thames Ditton Centre for the Community – bringing life and purpose to this much-loved but under-utilised asset.

How will Vital Village be funded?

The main source of revenue for Vital Village will be room/space rental at the Centre. Vital Village will also seek funding from grants.

Who is behind Vital Village?

A small team of local people are working on Vital Village, led by a Thames Ditton resident.

Eg. Male/female support groups, networking, workshops and talks


Eg. Resources, workshops and events, parenting skills, child development

Family & Parenting

Eg. Recreational and educational activities, socialising and mentoring

Children & Youth

Eg. Fitness sessions, workshops, tea parties and social gatherings

Elderly & Senior

Eg. Fitness classes, mental health workshops, wellness resources

Health & Wellbeing

Eg. Collaborative projects, community events, volunteering

Community Building

Eg. Sustainable living initiatives, recycling and eco-shop


Eg. Festivals and events to promote understanding and respect

Culture & Diversity

Our Programmes

Get involved!

We welcome you to join us on this exciting journey of making a positive impact in our community. Here's how you can get involved...

Keep in touch

Complete your details and we'll keep you up to date with Vital Village news.

How did you first hear about Vital Village?
Open Day flyer through my door
Open Day flyer picked up from a library/public space
Social media
Friend or family
Local word of mouth

1. Volunteer

Collaborators who are passionate about community engagement will be critical to Vital Village’s success. Whether you have a few hours to spare or want to make a more significant commitment, we have opportunities that will fit your schedule. Find out more

2. Attend our events

Explore our diverse range of programmes, events and activities. From health and wellbeing sessions to cultural celebrations and family-focused events, there’s something for everyone.

3. Become a sponsor

If you represent a local business or organisation, consider becoming a sponsor of Vital Village. Your support can help us continue to offer valuable services and initiatives to the community.

4. Share your ideas

We value your input! Share your ideas, suggestions, and feedback with us. Your insights help shape the future of Vital Village and ensure that we remain a community-driven hub.

5. Join the VV Club

Become a member of our VV Club and enjoy exclusive perks, discounts, and access to the Stuff Depot with no additional cost. It’s a great way to support our mission and our community hub.

6. Spread the word

Help us raise awareness about Vital Village by telling your friends, family, and neighbours about our mission. Follow us on social media, attend our events, and encourage others to do the same.

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