Davis, Diana K., and Paul Robbins, 2018. “Ecologies of the Colonial Present: Pathological Forestry from the Taux de Boisement to Civilized Plantations.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Vol. 1(4) 447–469.
How colonial forestry continues to haunt contemporary policy, producing “pathological ecologies” with pernicious effects on people.
Jacka, Jerry K. 2019. “Resource Conflicts and the Anthropology of the Dark and the Good in Highlands Papua New Guinea.” The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 30: 35–52.
How anthropologies of the dark and the good can hinder more subtle understandings of value plurality and self-sacrifice in Melanesia.
Ferretti, Federico. 2019. “A Coffin for Malthusianism: Josué De Castro’s Subaltern Geopolitics.” Geopolitics, 1–26.
How Brazilian geographer Josué de Castro’s anti-colonial geopolitics of hunger furnish powerful arguments to present-day critics of “food security.”