CELEBRATING TWO YEARS SERVING MASON COUNTY The Lakeshore Food Club reached two years of operation on October 2, 2019. What an accomplishment! This milestone would not have been possible without the tremendous support of our volunteers who help drive the mission of the Food Club and the generous donors who keep the shelves stocked and the lights on. As we look back on the past two years and plan for the future here are a few facts that you may or may not know! Did you know…… - The mission of the Lakeshore Food Club is to provide dignified access to nutritious food and resources to those in need in our community
- More than 4,000 individuals yearly benefit from the food provided by the Lakeshore Food Club
- According to the United Way ALICE measurement, 45% of Mason County residents are unable to afford the basic necessities of housing, food, child care and transportation
- 74 volunteer shifts are filled each week. Volunteers contributed 6,600 hours of service last year
- Over 160,000 pounds of produce has been distributed so far
- The Grow A Row program for community gardeners has resulted in more than 10,000 pounds of fresh produce donated since spring 2018
- A volunteer led Community Development Committee was established this year to help raise the $10,000 - $15,000 needed each month to purchase food for families
- 40% of Food Club members reported that they were better able to meet their basic needs after one year of membership, and 41% report eating more fruits and vegetables
- Comments from member surveys reveal a deep appreciation for the volunteers, staff and dignity afforded members at the Food Club
Thank you to all volunteers for the part you have taken to help us reach our second year milestone! |
SHOP N SAVE Once again LFC is partnering with the wonderful folks at Shop-N-Save Ludington for our Feed a Family campaign. From October 28 - November 10 you can support member families by donating $5 (or more) at the checkout. These funds will be used to purchase food from Shop-N-Save to stock the shelves in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving! Thanks to our friends at Shop-N-Save for supporting community-led efforts throughout Ludington and Mason County! |
SUMMER SHOUT OUTS Summer flew by, but we don't want to miss the chance to give a BIG thank you to some awesome supporters we missed: Epworth Heights - In addition to sponsoring a number of families in September, this community also hosted weekly item drives for the Food Club! Victoria's Jewelry - These generous jewelers sold special earrings throughout 2019 with all proceeds going to LFC! The Windowsill Used & New Books - First time supporters - we appreciate you! Christofferson Farms - Another amazing season of fruit donations. WOW! Orchard Market - Apples, anyone? Grow A Row continues! LFC depends on the generosity of the Mason County community - and we couldn't be in better hands! Join these and other amazing donors today: | | |
NEW CLASS Small household or household of one? Cooking for one may seem tricky, but it can be easy & fun! Join MSU Extension instructor Kendra Gibson for a FREE 6-part series, beginning Nov. 13., that will teach you everything you need to make Cooking For One healthy and enjoyable! Check out all the details here, or register now by calling 231-845-3361 |
DONATION FOCUS October donation focus is everything babies! Diapers, wipes, food, hygiene items - all the essentials to care for LFC's tiniest members. Donations may be dropped off any time LFC is open. Click below for the master list of donation inspiration. [November donations focus will be holiday baking.] | | |