It's Chris from Stalybridge Music Academy.
From July 4th we are starting to re-open the Academy with a staged recommencement of lessons.
To achieve this, within government guidelines, we need to adjust the timing of lessons to fit into rooms with opening windows.
Before Covid-19 we used six rooms for lessons; currently we can use two with a third for backup. Previously lessons ran every 30 minutes, under current legislation we require a 15 minute gap for cleaning between each lesson.
Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. From the responses to this we will calculate the return to face to face lessons. Each person currently having lessons will be emailed with a new time and day for a face to face lesson between now and mid September. We aim to recommence twenty students every two weeks.
This, of course, is open to change for possible local lockdowns or the expected second wave.
If you have any questions regarding recommencement of face to face lessons, or did not complete the survey and would like the link, please reply to this email.
When Dru or myself email regarding recommencement of lessons there will be a new person to person policy attached. This will require reading and agreeing to before lessons recommence. There is important information in this policy, I cannot stress enough that reading it is essential. You can view this policy and our risk assessment online at https://www.stalybridgemusicacademy.com/covid-19-reopening-policy
It should be noted that upon reopening there may be no administration service on the desk. The teacher will unlock the door. Upon arrival at the Academy students should wait at the door which will be locked. Please wait for the teacher to unlock the door & move back. The teacher will open the door using the automatic door control, when the student has left the ramp the teacher will re lock the door. On exiting the building the student should leave via the rear entrance following the signage.
It is worth mentioning that some of our teachers cannot re start yet due to personal situations and will be continuing online until further notice. Under current legislation we feel it is inappropriate to offer face to face lessons for piano, singing, brass and wind instruments. This will be readdressed as required.
Please note our primary contact is via email to info@stalybridgemusicacademy.com, secondary contact is via mobile to Chris or Dru.
Thank you for your patience, we look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kind Regards
Chris and Dru