Greetings fellow Georgians
Welcome to the June issue of the OG Newsletter. First off thank you to all of you who took the time to give your feedback and suggestions to the new look Mail Out / Newsletter. It seems to have gone down well. Many wonderful requests and suggestions were made; some we have started looking into for the next issue. If you have not yet given your feedback, please feel free to share.
We always look forward to hearing what fellow Old Georgians would like to see more of and enjoy sharing their stories.
In this issue we look back at the noughties (0’s) over the years, some graduations at the end of 2019, messages to the Class of 2020 during this pandemic, the launch of The Book Room and many other wonder things to share.
Keep safe and #happy
Virtute et Valore | The Courage to do What is Right
Stephen Bornman (OG 1999)