Our Biweekly Newsletter - 22 August 2019 |
The temperatures haven't fallen much but the days are getting shorter. That means summer is slowing down. We have some beautiful woolen fabrics for those fall projects. And if you don't have one of our fabric market bags you still have time. The SewGreen Summer Interns will be at the 1872 Cafe with pre-made market bags and paints to decorate them on August 24th, from 11-2. Read on for details. Our 4 hour Saturday Boot Camps have been quite popular! Stay tuned for some new and exciting Boot Camps coming this Fall! The September calendar is posted on our website. Visit our website for lots of info at sewgreenrochester.org. In this newsletter you will read about - Paint your Market Bags
- Recent Events held at SewGreen
- What you've been up to
- Upcoming Classes
Paint and Take a Market Bag |
Saturday August 24 a Free Event! |
From 11-2, the SewGreen summer interns will be co-hosting another market bag painting event with the folks at the 1872 Café right across the street from our shop at 438 West Main St. The cafe is on the spot where Susan B. Anthony voted illegally in 1872. |
During the week of August 12th SewGreen held a camp for learning to crochet amigurumi -- little stuffed yarn creatures. In the picture to the left you see Ashley showing a camper how to crochet and below are more pictures from the camp, along with Jane our "Learn to Crochet" instructor. Jane also helped out during the camp. |
On August 10th, SewGreen held a "Market Bagathon" where community members sewed their own market bag. It was a great success. It's nice to see people using these reusable bags in place of plastic! Alexis, pictured on the right, sewed her Market bag then filled it with scrappy goodness! |
Our classes will take place as long as one or more people show up! Here you see Anthony receiving the deluxe 1 on 1 personal instruction from Georgia in the Sewing 101 class.
SEND US YOUR PHOTOS We'd love to see what you've been working on and what you're making with supplies from our shop. Please share a photo or two with us. Email photos with a brief description to: sewgreenrochester@gmail.com You might see your project in our next newsletter! |
Here are a few projects that our community of shoppers shared with us recently. |
Mary purchased some scrappy land fabric on sale and started this beautifully fussy cut English paper piecing project you see on the left below. She also made two gorgeous crochet totes from yarn she purchased at our shop. The totes are amazing Mary! We can't wait to see what you make next! |
A couple of students from RIT visited the shop during Saturday's Family Sew time and made cloth napkins for out of this beautiful fabric they found in our 'Scrappy Land'. YAY for helping to reuse fabric AND creating napkins that replace single use paper products. |
Ruth, one of our shoppers from the Ithaca area, found some silk fabric at SewGreen@Rochester and made this beautiful silk blouse! Looks lovely Ruth, nice work! And thanks for shopping with us and taking the time to chat with our staff. We enjoy your visits. |
Sewing Machine 101/102 August 24 2-4PM Make friends with a sewing machine in our shop or bring yours from home. We will take you through the basics of machine operation and safety, and guide you toward sewing a project. Also, build on the skills you've gained in 101. Is there a sewing project that interests you, or that you want to complete? How can your newly-gained sewing machine skills help you achieve that goal? This is the place and time to learn! |
Get to Know your Sewing Machine Feet August 27, 11-1 and 4-4 Learning to use more feet extends your ability to do fine creative work with your sewing machine. We will start with the basics - the zipper/cord foot and the blind-hemming foot- and work through as many new feet as we can master! |
Sewing Machine Maintenance August 31, 2-4 Learn how to keep your sewing power tool purring along! We'll teach you the best ways to clean out the dust, fluff and bits of thread that clog your machine's action, and the safest ways to lubricate its parts. |
Below are links to the class calendars, and a list of class descriptions |
Unless otherwise noted, our two-hour classes are $10. Boot Camps are four-hour classes and are $20 Sign up for our classes in advance, call 585-328-2642 or email info@sewgreenrochester.org to register. ----------- Scholarships are always available for each of our classes! |
Remember... Every Saturday is Scrappy Saturday! Our small scrappy bags stuffed with scraps and rolls of fabric and/or unmarked balls of yarn are only $1 all day (regularly $3 on weekdays). Bring your own grocery-sized tote and stuff it full for only $5 (regularly $10). Stop by and fill a bag with scrappy treasures this Saturday, and every Saturday! |
Thank you for your generous donations! We ONLY accept donation deliveries on the following days and times: Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fridays 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. |
Unless otherwise noted above, our shop is open Mon-Thurs, 11 a.m - 6 p.m. & Fri-Sat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. |