Leaf Season
Fall is here and that means leaves. Our leaf truck is up and ready. Our crews are on-site with rakes, buckets and blowers. Leaves are messy and, when wet, can be dangerous, hiding hazards and making walkways slippery. They can smother lawns if left in place too long. We clean them up thoroughly and quickly. However, as we drive away the leaves continue to fall until the trees are bare for winter and leaf clean-up is over for 2020.
Mowing is slowing down during the leaf season. We will continue to mow when needed, and, as the rains set in, we will work around the weather to avoid lawn damage. Leaf clean-up will be our focus. To help hurry the work along we prioritize areas, build piles and bring in our leaf vacuum truck to remove and process the leaves for composting. We apologize for the unavoidable noise leaf removal causes.
Soon we will be applying preemergent herbicide where lawns are struggling with crabgrass and other unwanted annual plants that self-seed.
Irrigation, Backflow, Stormwater
Your irrigation system should be off and winterized, and your backflow device tested and insulated. if not, call us and we will take care of it. If you need your stormwater collection system inspected please let us know. We can help there too!
New Boots on the Ground
We are pleased to introduce Mark Mosher to our team of Account Managers. Mark joins Matt West and Caleb Vetkos. With 14 years of experience in account management and many more in turf management Mark is well qualified to serve you. Welcome, Mark!
We are excited to have Sherry Wellborn join our Management Team. Sherry's background in horticulture is extensive. With a B.S. from OSU and experience in wholesale nurseries, landscape design and construction, Sherry is a great addition to our Team. Welcome, Sherry!
New to our maintenance crews are Zak Peterson, Jon Bakke and Jason Donaldson. Welcome all!
We are sad to announce that our Sales Manager of 12 years, Eric Ghio, is leaving us to move into the cut flower business. We applaud Eric for his great work in sales and wish him all the best.
Going forward if you need any projects bid please call the office or speak with your Account Manager. We will be glad to provide you a proposal.