October 1, 2019 Divine Music Houston Launched! Happy Thanksgiving filled with Joy and Gratitude In my life, I have always seen and heard music, acting, visual art, the spiritual life and teaching breathing-movement exercises for overall health, as together. As 'Divine Music.' "God has done great things for us, filled us with laughter and music." ~ Psalm 126 "Art is in itself a creator, it creates its own life, beautiful in its abstraction, beyond the limits of time and space." ~ Stanislavski "The mysticism of sound and music." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan Please feel free to share Divine Music Houston with friends and family. There are exciting adventures ahead! I look forward to talking with you, and singing with you. LDiamondMusic1@gmail.com |
Lainie is available to sing The National Anthem for Sports teams, Events, and Performances LDiamondMusic1@gmail.com Lainie's joy and work also teaching therapeutic movement- breathing exercises to active military and veterans through both her Houston Laughter Yoga, and The Jung Center, includes teaching veterans at Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Hospital Houston; US Veterans Initiative and US Vets- veterans outreach. |
| | Congratulations to you on your engagement! Lainie Diamond is a wedding soloist available for people all faiths and backgrounds. | | |
| | Lainie Diamond and musicians are available for peaceful, healing music for sacred and religious services, funerals and masses | | |
Media Film, Video and Press Highlights: |
FEATURED DIVINE MUSICIAN: HILDEGARD VON BINGEN In The Spirit of Thanksgiving: Listen to Hildegard's Divine Music! An inspiration to all: St. Hildegard (1098-1179) "was one of the most remarkable women of the Middle Ages. She was a mystic, musician, artist, writer and preacher, as well as advisor to bishops, popes, and kings. As a scientist and healer, she promoted natural medicine that integrated physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. She explored the curative power of natural objects, wrote about medicinal uses of plants, animals, and trees, and proposed principles for a balanced diet." ~ Sisters of St. Benedict, Ferdinand, Indiana |
"Illumination created by Hildegard, from her Liber Scivias showing Hildegard receiving a vision, dictating to her scribe, Volmar" |
"A musical performance softens hard hearts, leads in the humor of reconciliation, and summons the Holy Spirit." Scivias | 1151 “Underneath all the texts, all the sacred psalms and canticles, these watery varieties of sounds and silences, terrifying, mysterious, whirling and sometimes gestating and gentle must somehow be felt in the pulse, ebb, and flow of the music that sings in me. My new song must float like a feather on the breath of God." ~ Hildegard of Bingen |
CONTACT DIVINE MUSIC HOUSTON Lainie Diamond Singer and Artistic Director LDiamondMusic1@gmail.com Facebook page: Divine Music Houston This is the Divine Music Houston 1 time only Monthly update. You are receiving this update from Hiring, subscribing, and contacting Lainie through her music and teaching |