Message from your Hosts
As the summer approaches, we thought it would be a good time to update you on the status of the SPUS meeting in Newport. We will have a great turnout. All of the rooms that were allocated for the SPUS meeting have been reserved; in fact, there is overflow into an Inn right across the street. At this time, everyone should plan on paying registration “in cash” at the time of the meeting. However, we are looking into how we might be able to accept credit card payment. If this becomes a possibility we will send along an update.
- Tony and Barbara -
Social Program
The social program is indeed set and as listed on the website. We have decided to make Friday night the more formal dinner. This will be right across the street at the Redwood LibraryThe Saturday night dinner at the Hotel Viking will be less formal; however, we will have music and dancing. There is no reason to bring formal black-tie attire, unless, of course, you just prefer to look better than everyone else. The Friday night dinner will be cocktail attire (jackets and ties) and the Saturday night dinner will be more casual.
It is important to register for the social events as the head count is extremely important in planning for meals and transportation. Please do so as soon as possible. Thus far, only half of those who have reserved rooms had filled out the registration form.
Once again, the registration form is located on the website.
Scientific Program
The scientific program will be an all day event Friday and Saturday. We would appreciate the title of your talk as soon as possible so we can fill in the slots for presentations. We should plan on 15-minute presentations with time for discussion to follow each.
Please send your titles to Lale at by July 12th 2019.
New member nominations
Thus far I have received one new member nomination. If you recall, there is one opening available for a non-North American member. We would like to have the submissions sent in to me directly by the beginning of August. This will give me ample time to send the CVs to all the members, which will facilitate the discussion at the business meetings. We have tentatively planned for two business meetings. One will take place on the Thursday afternoon after the tour at the Touro Synagogue and before the reception. The second will take place before the start of the scientific meetings on Saturday.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at:
Tony or
Mobile: +1 401 578 2705
Mobile: +1 401 578 2704
Mobile: +90 532 6141867