A SEASON OF GRATITUDE Thanksgiving is a time of sharing. Sharing with family, friends and neighbors. And for giving thanks for the good fortune that surrounds us. The Food Club is grateful for what you share. And we hope you will consider sharing your good fortunes with families at the Food Club over the holidays. A donation of $25 feeds a family for a month, and greatly assists the organization in fulfilling its mission to improve the lives of our neighbors in need by providing access to nutritious food and resources. With gratitude, Sarah McMahon, Director |
SIMPLY GIVE LFC will once again benefit from Meijer's Simply Give campaign, which runs now until Jan. 4. Be sure to look at the register for the Simply Give cards and add $10 - or more - to your bill at checkout to help fill the LFC shelves. ***Dec. 3 and Dec. 13 are Double Match Days, where your $10 = $30 for LFC!*** Sounds confusing? You can also make your gift directly to Lakeshore Food Club, and we'll be sure to triple your impact during the Double Match opportunities! |
SAVE THE DATE Save March 7, 2020 from 4 – 7 p.m. for the inaugural Lakeshore Food Club “Empty Bowls” fundraising event to be held at the Ludington Area Center for the Arts. Watch for more details! |
GROW A ROW SUCCESS Even with a late warm-up, a rainy summer and a (very!) early winter coming in, LFC's Grow A Row partners came through huge in 2019, donating more than 5,500 pounds of fruits and vegetables! These donations not only provide healthy options for LFC members, they also free up funds so that produce can be purchased during the colder months. Thank you Grow A Row growers! |
PACK THE PANTRY Our friends at Harbor Front Family Chiropractors are giving patients new and old an opportunity to help out (and get a little something in return!) during their 'Pack the Pantry' drive. Stop in or call to learn more! Thanks to Harbor Front and the many community-minded businesses who give back, especially during the holiday season. |
DONATION FOCUS November donation focus is holiday baking! Flour, sugar, spices, sprinkles & everything our members need to create sweet - and tasty - holiday memories! Donations may be dropped off any time LFC is open. Click below for the master list of donation inspiration. [December donations focus will be warm beverages.] | | |
MEET MICHELLE & SHELLY Shelly and Michelle have been volunteering at Lakeshore Food Club for over a year. They heard about the Food Club on the radio, were impressed, and felt they could offer their time to help families in Mason County. Shelly and Michelle have taken one of the hardest volunteer shifts to fill, Friday afternoons from 3 – 5 p.m. They also volunteer at other times when needed, and participated in the Grow A Row program this summer, growing eggplant for member families. Shelly and Michelle have been living in Ludington for the past three years, moving from Kalamazoo where they had resided for 20 years. Shelly was raised in Ludington, and they came back to help care for her 90-year-old mother. |
Theladies run “Junque Girls” where they buy, fix, and flip items they acquire - then sell items through their Facebook page, at barn sales and at Sunset Bay. And they have been “flipping” well before it was popular on TV! Michelle and Shelly say that volunteering at the Food Club has put things in perspective and that they feel they are doing something worthwhile by lending a hand. “Sarah and Kate are awesome and do a great job. Everyone we work with has been super!” |
ALL STAFF MEETING Huge/enormous/really really big shout out to the amazing LFC volunteer staff for participating in our (first) Annual All Staff Meeting. We discussed policy, organizational information, results of a recent volunteer survey and more. If you missed the meeting please see Kate or Sarah to catch up with the notes. And if you know one of these caring, big-hearted folks give them a high-five! |