Good News Gazette, Issue #10 | November 2022 Big sisters, gender justice, and the Late Late Toy Show |
Alongside Age Friendly Ireland, and five County Councils - DLR, South Dublin, Fingal, Louth and Meath - Creative Lives, a community and volunteer-led charity, recently delivered a series of events offering creative activities to suit older people. From craft workshops to musical performances, older people in the community took part and sampled diverse forms of creative engagement. |
Welcome to the November Issue of the We Act Good News Gazette. Christmas is on its way and soon we'll be headed into 2023. Throughout the year we've seen inspiring and life-changing work take place across our country. So, before we head into the busy and festive season, make sure to take a look around you and say a thank you to the staff and volunteers in the charities you support and the community groups in your town or village. Throughout this issue you'll find stories of gender justice advocates, dog fosterers, and fund raisers and you'll find ways you can take action in the coming month. We hope you enjoy November's Good News Gazette. If you'd like to share our happy digest, invite your friends to subscribe to our newsletter here. |
The STAND Festival Exhibition at DCU. The art features photos of international gender justice advocates. |
Artists contributing to #Unite4Consent gather with the DRCC staff to show off their fundraising pieces. |
Gender Justice Now! This Autumn, the STAND Student Festival travelled to 14 campuses with the theme #GenderJusticeNow: From the Grassroots to the Global. This year’s festival celebrated the power of solidarity in bringing about change, from the fight for sexual and reproductive rights, to the end of gender-based violence. Nearly 17,000 students engaged with the exhibition, the mini-film fest, info booths, and global citizenship workshops, and took action as part of the #10000Students campaign.
#Unite4Consent with DRCC This year, Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is marking the annual worldwide 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence from 25 November to 10 December by collaborating with six well-known Irish artists to create prints that celebrate consent, activism, women and community. The prints are now on sale with a percentage of funds going to DRCC’s work and vital services supporting victims and survivors of gender-based violence. |
April Tambling, youth advocate and volunteer, smiles in front of a pride flag. |
April is an advocate and volunteer. She works to ensure that youth and community spaces are inclusive and accessible, playing roles like the facilitator, the agony aunt, and the older sibling. This is her story... |
“My whole journey began when I walked through the YMCA doors years ago. I started off doing a Leaders in Training course, then I just fell into volunteering. I facilitated one mental health webinar on self-care and from there I dipped my toes into all kinds of projects and programmes – everything from the Poetic Power Rangers to our after-school homework club for young people in Direct Provision. I knew I loved facilitating and began hosting sessions and events. During lockdown, I decided to do a webinar for the LGBTQIA+ youth in our club offering practical support because I'm a part of that community. I knew there were some young people that identified as part of the community but we didn't really have a space specifically for queer youth yet at Groundfloor. |
The YMCA Groundfloor venue where Rainbox Folx is hosted. |
After that webinar I spoke to my manager and said ‘why don’t we make this something more permanent’. After consultation and research, our gender and sexuality alliance came about -- Rainbow Folx. It’s a non-judgmental, non-directive space for young LGBTQIA+ people to gather and of course to have fun! I want them to leave them room feeling like ‘hey, at least I've got one person on my side’. I’m there to offer an empathic ear. Sometimes that means I’m the agony aunt, sometimes that means I’m the big sister, and sometimes I’m learning from them. |
The Rainbow Folx logo well known by its group members. |
When I was younger, I needed a space like this. I was so confused growing up and no one ever wanted to talk to me about it. I love going into this space and knowing that little April would be happy here. While this line of work does have its challenges it’s also the most rewarding space, I’ve ever been in. Sometimes I’m in the room and I look around and see people laughing together or they’re joining in on the wider conversation and it’s so beautiful seeing them light up. The magic comes from them knowing they have a community who accepts them." Now, filled with confidence, April has started a new role as the as the Learning and Development Support Officer at Scouting Ireland where her mission is to develop programmes centred around understanding global issues and making progammes as inclusive as possible. |
We Act is a national, collaborative campaign to celebrate the value and impact of the charities and community groups in Ireland. It is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development. Got a story? Email |
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