Christmas Cake Ordering
Welcome to our newsletter. Hope you're staying safe, keeping well and not affected too greatly in these challenging times. The year has literally flown by and I can't believe that we're once again at the Christmas ordering stage!
This year we’ve put together some answers to many of the questions that we are asked and they can be found by following the tab below.
It’s never too early to order your Christmas cakes and if you’re ordering rum cake, it will keep well into the festive season. If you’d rather your cake didn’t arrive too early, please use the 'Anything else we should know' box on our order page to let us know the time you’d prefer your cake to arrive. Please keep in mind, although we will send your cake in time for your preferred date, the post isn’t guaranteed to deliver on the date you would like.
In the past we have had to close our online shop a little earlier than planned before Christmas in order to meet the demand, so please, please order early to avoid disappointment.
Our last day for Christmas orders will be Tuesday 14th December