Hello and welcome to our july news letter .
Well here we go covid-s nearly in the past. YAHOO.
Its been a difficult few months with no raffles and monthly get togethers .
Its time to get back to the normal meetings at the pub and plan our upcomming trips and get down to some GR8 fishing and camping trips . Cant wait to get the crew back together and enjoy our monthly meeting.
The next meeting is planned for the 7/7/20 its a zoom meeting so we hope to see every1 there .
We will make a plan to get the next meeting back face to face and start up meat trays ,so please do log in and have your say .
Fraser island 2020
Time to dust of the tent, get the swag out and check it over, make sure all your pegs and ropes are in good nick .
Check the camp oven and pack a roast or 2 .
Pack your sunscreen and mozzie spray,
and make sure you have your lucky fishing shirt .
Its getting closer .
Yes its the greatest fishing and camping trip of the year ,a few days on the fabulous Fraser island .
Last years trip was a blast lots of fish and a lot of sight seeking on this amazing island .
We had a good bunch of people attend last years trip .
And hope we can get a few more at this years trip .
The next couple of meeting we will be planning for this trip .
The last trip we did was out in the bay early in june ,not a lot of fish but a very good day was had by all .
We had 5 baots and about 12 club members out on the water ,was good to see .