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The Veterans and First Responders Memorial at Fairfield Glade is a county-wide initiative located in Cumberland County, TN, dedicated to honoring our veterans and first responders. These heroes are near and dear to the heart of every citizen for without them we would not be this great country. The Memorial will be an opportunity for our community to express appreciation to the brave men and women for their service. The dream to build a Memorial to show our thanks and respect to veterans and first responders began in December 2018.  Over the next 3 years a tax-exempt organization was formed and chartered with plans developed to help bring this Memorial to life.

Overall, the Memorial is a 4–5-year project with two phases, both with distinct and separate time frames. The completion of this two-phased project is dependent on community donations and grant funding. Your donation, made either online or by mail, will help achieve the goal of constructing Phase I which is the centerpiece and most expensive part of the Memorial.

Phase I: Three plazas will hold the flags of the nation, State of Tennessee, military service branches and first responders, including law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel. This will include special engravings and commemorative features. Patios and walkways will be installed allowing for engraved bricks to be purchased by individuals in remembrance of their loved ones or friends as well as in memory of their own service.

Phase II: This includes a commemorative Memorial Garden with walkways, landscaping, a gazebo, and additional special features calling attention to major events and actions throughout U.S. history. It will be a place where visitors can reflect upon the incredible contributions and sacrifices made by those who have served or are serving.

Engraved bricks will be installed to commemorate the individual who served or is serving using 4-inch by 8-inch pavers etched with their name, logo of their particular service, dates desired, and an inscription pertaining to the individual. This will be a permanent tribute to that person. Purchasing an engraved brick not only recognizes the individual’s service but raises funds for the Memorial as well.

The cost of an engraved brick is $150 which includes the price of the paver, the engraving, the logo/seal, future maintenance of the Memorial, and unexpected expenses. Inscriptions will be made on up to three lines with a maximum of 15 characters per line plus the logo/seal which will be mandatory for each brick and will be per the buyer’s selection. Bricks purchased will be reviewed after being ordered for correctness. Payment can be made by check or a credit card through PayPal. The cost of supporting the ‘Memorial’ by purchasing a brick is not tax-deductible. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I order a brick for a veteran or first responder serving outside this area?

Yes, bricks can be ordered for US military veterans or first responders, no matter the location where they serve. 


Can I order multiple bricks and have them placed together at the Memorial?

The placement of bricks cannot be guaranteed. 

Can I request that my brick be placed in a specific area of the memorial?

The placement of bricks cannot be guaranteed. 

Do I have to use a ClipArt logo?

No, but we encourage the use of ClipArt from the authorized list we have provided. However, using ClipArt limits the number of character spaces to 15 per line.  If ClipArt is not used, 20 character spaces are available.

What if I do not see a ClipArt logo that represents the military and/or first responder service?
Please contact us at with your request for a specific ClipArt logo. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If a ClipArt logo cannot be found, a patriotic logo can be used. 


Who is considered a first responder?
We refer to the standards of eligibility set by (Instantly Verify Your First Responder Status Online) but we understand that certain circumstances can be unique for individuals. Please contact to clarify any questions regarding eligibility. 

Can I buy a brick in person?
Yes, please contact  to set up an appointment with a Board Member to purchase a brick in person. Please note that In-person transactions can only be made using cash or a check. Please visit to purchase a brick with a credit card. 

Will I get notified when my brick is installed?
Not specifically, but be on the lookout for announcements on social media and our website for construction updates.


What if my brick gets damaged?
The Veterans and First Responders Memorial at Fairfield Glade will replace bricks that are damaged at no cost to the buyer. 

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