Clan Forbes Society Newsletter JULY 2020 |
Sara Forbes Bonetta (1843 –1880) Sara Forbes Bonetta (1843 –1880) was a West African Egbado princess of the Yoruba people who was orphaned in intertribal warfare, forced into slavery, rescued by Captain Frederick Edwyn Forbes (1819 – 1851) of the Royal Navy, and became a goddaughter to Queen Victoria. Learn more here. |
Captain Ben Forbes & the Errand of Mercy Captain Robert Bennet (Ben) Forbes (1804 –1889) commanded the USS Jamestown during America’s first international relief effort, bringing food to County Cork during the Irish Potato Famine. He reported the mission in “The Voyage of the Jamestown on Her Errand of Mercy.” Learn more here. |
Forbes and the Wars of Scottish Independence The first war of Scottish Independence began with the death of King Alexander III (1241 – 1286) and his primary heirs. Both John Balliol and Robert the Bruce claimed the throne and asked English King Edward I to select their monarch. Edward chose Balliol, insisted that Scotland be subservient to him, and demanded that Scots join in his war against France. Instead, the Scots formed an alliance with France. Edward invaded Scotland in 1296 and captured Urquhart Castle. The Scots retook the castle one year later and, in 1303, assigned command to John de Forbes, son of Duncan de Forbes and second laird of Forbes. Unfortunately, he failed to hold off another English assault. Edward gave command to Alexander Comyn, 2nd Earl of Buchan, who sided with the English against Robert Bruce. Learn more here. |
James Forbes (1749–1819) James Forbes (1749–1819) was an artist, amateur botanist and memoirist who detailed his observations of the people, animals, plants, and architecture in India, Africa, and South America. In 1781, he was one of the first Europeans to visit and sketch the Taj Mahal. He is honored in the name of a town in the state of Bihar, India. Learn more here. |
Welcome Members! Please welcome our new Active Members for June 2020: - Ms. Stephanie Forbes, Michigan, USA
- Mr. William Forbes, Texas, USA
- Ms. Victoria Forbes, Arizona, USA
- Ms. Natalie Suzanne Gates, Colorado, USA
We also welcome back our renewing Active Members: - Mr. James R. Forbes, Quebec, Canada
- Mr. Ramon D. Fobes, Arizona, USA
- Mr. Björn Bentzer, Stockholm, Sweden
- Ms. Lisa Lynn Forbes, New York, USA
- Ms. Gwendolyn Ann Forbes, Florida, USA
Become a House of Forbes Member! All House of Forbes Members will be added to the Clan Forbes Society Family Tree on If you are an Active Member who pays annual dues of $25, you can become an House of Forbes Member, too. Once you receive your membership number, please pay an additional fee of $100 and submit a complete House of Forbes Membership Application that documents your direct lineage from John de Forbes, founder of the House of Forbes. You can use the House of Forbes application available here or submit your GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMmunications) file from your online service or program. E-mail your form or file to and submit your fee here. Your genealogy will be reviewed by the Society Genealogist. If you are approved, you will receive your official House of Forbes Membership Certificate and your genealogical information will be added to the official family tree of Society. The Society’s membership growth has slowed tremendously during the COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home orders. If you’re spending time at home reading the Society’s website and Facebook posts, please let the Society know that you care – and that you want our efforts continued! If you haven’t already supported the Society financially, please consider becoming a paid member! Active Membership is $25 annually will help the Society research the history and heritage of the House of Forbes; develop resources for tracing your genealogy with your cousins around the world; connect with other members in the Clan Forbes Community; and encourage more members to join us in events, tours and gatherings. Thanks to all our 2019 members – and now it’s time to renew your support for 2020! Renew your membership here. If you don’t want the bother of renewing your membership every year, consider becoming a Patron Member for lifetime membership at the level of $600. Highland Games & Festivals Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, many highland games and Scottish festivals have been cancelled or postponed. Here’s the current list compiled by Leslie Furbish Ingram, Vice President for Conveners. Please see the complete list of Games & Festivals. If you are interested in hosting a Clan Forbes tent at your local gathering, games, or festival, please download the Clan Forbes Convener Guide and let us know how we can assist you! Here are a few of the upcoming events: |