CSC Newsletter ︳September 2020 |
“Safer-at-Home” order remains in place! Let's work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 by - Wear a face covering whenever you leave home
- Wash hands throughout the day
- Stay 6 feet away from people who do not live with you
- If you have any sick symptoms, call us: (213) 808-1792 for a free COVID-19 test now!
Chinatown Service Center (CSC) reminds you that please continue to follow the latest recommendation from Public Health Authorities. For any essential social (EDD, Medi-Cal/ Covered CA, Citizenship, Calfresh) and economic community development (small business - PPP, EIPL) services, please call (213) 808-1700. For health services of Medical, Dental and Behavioral Health counseling services, please call clinic hotline at (213) 808-1792 for appointments now! STAY SAFE & HEALTHY & CONNECTED W/ CSC! 華埠服務中心提醒大家繼續遵循公共衛生當局的: “居家令”。讓我們一起努力減緩新冠病毒的傳播: - 外出時請戴上臉罩
- 時刻洗手,保持清潔
- 人與人之間保持6呎社交距離
- 如您有任何不適的症狀,請立即致電華埠醫療中心(213) 808-1792 進行免費新冠測試!
華埠服務中心 照常開放並繼續為您提供所需的社會,醫療,牙科,心理健康等服務! 有關更多營業時間的諮詢,請致電:(213) 808-1700 查詢! 祝大家身體健康! |
Thankful for Bank of America generous $400,000 PPE donations to benefit our LMI, underserved LA communities and San Gabriel Unified School Districts! 「華埠服務中心欣獲美國銀行捐贈合共40萬美元個人防護裝備, 並分發給洛杉磯弱勢社區及聖蓋博學區」 |
CSC Census Car Caravan reminded Chinatown Los Angeles residents to fill out Census 2020 by September 30, 2020 「華埠服務中心人口普查巡迴車隊活動 」 提醒民眾於九月三十日前填寫人口普查表重要性 |
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced nearly $117 million in Quality Improvement Awards to 1,318 health centers across all states, territories and the District of Columbia. CSC is excited and thrilled to be named a Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) National Quality Leader, which ranks health centers that have reached the top 1 to 2 percent in one or more of the clinical quality measures that promote behavioral health, diabetes prevention and management, and heart health. CSC also received quality improvement awards in achievements (awarded to health centers in the top 10% of best overall clinical performance) by improving cost-efficient care delivery while also increasing quality of care, reducing health disparities, increasing patients’ ability to access comprehensive services and advancing the use of health information technology. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)評選華埠服務中心為全國品質領導者。該委員會專為促進心理健康輔導,糖尿病預防和管理以及心臟健康的一項或多項臨床品質指標中,對達到1%至2%最高水平的醫療中心進行排名。 華埠服務中心更獲得了品質提升獎(最佳整體臨床表現中名列前10%的醫療中心),華埠服務中心通過改善具有成本效益的護理服務,促進健康信息技術的使用, 大大提高了護理質素,並提高患者獲得全面醫療服務的機會。 |
CSC is excited about an approval of $4M in funding awarded by federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for implementation of a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). CSC along with four (4) other new California CCBHC grantees, will be the first CCBHCs to be established in the state of California. CSC is honored to be pioneering this new model of care, or Medicaid (Medi-Cal) provider type, for the delivery of behavioral health care in Los Angeles County, as established by Section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA). The goal is to establish behavioral health clinics that are eligible to receive enhanced Medicaid reimbursements, similar to the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) program. 華埠服務中心獲取由聯邦Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration(SAMHSA)撥款400萬美元用於推行洛杉磯首家認證心理健康診所(CCBHC)。CCBHC 是新健康護理模式,或稱Medicaid(Medi-Cal),提供心理健康護理,這是由《保障性醫療保險法》(PAMA)第223節所確立的。宗旨是建立獲得更多Medicaid醫療補助的心理健康診所。 |
| | PPP Forgiveness Webinar (FREE) 免費 PPP 貸款免還 (中文) 講座 DATE: 9/23/2020 TIME: 10:00 AM, PST (西岸時間) We invite Bella Wang, CPA with Windes to host this FREE webinar for individuals & public 華埠服務中心邀請到註冊會計師 Bella Wang 為你講解 PPP 貸款免費申請需知 - 網上講座 PPP 貸款免還中文內容 (PPP Loan Forgiveness In-language materials) | | |
| | How to Apply LA Regional COVID Fund (Round 5 & Round 6): $5,000 for Micro-entrepreneurs; $15,000 for Very Small Businesses/ Very Small Nonprofits) $25,000 for Small Businesses $75,000 for Small Non-profits DATE: 10/5 to 10/9 - Round 5 DATE: 10/26 to 10/30 - Round 6 如何申請洛杉磯地區 COVID 基金 - $5,000 撥款給予合資格微企業家
- $15,000 撥款給予合資格非常小企業和非常小非營利組織
- $25,000 撥款給予合資格小企業
- $75,000 撥款給予合資格小小非營利組織
| | |
| | Virtual Meeting (FREE) 免費視像會議 (小型企業諮詢) DATE: Monday to Friday TIME: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (PST) TEL: (213) 808-1751 EMAIL: By Appointment only! | | |
The importance of supporting the continuation of teaching and learning @ CSC Youth Center for new school year of 2020-2021 during the pandemic! 青年中心教師們分享疫情期間,鼓勵以及支持學生在新學年教學的重要性! |
CSC 49th Anniversary Gala Celebration四十九周年視訊籌款及頒獎典禮 |
While much of the world has stopped, our vision of Thriving Lives & Empowered Communities through our mission of “To provide outstanding services and advocacy to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity to immigrants and other communities” will not be placed on pause. That’s why we are asking you to help us cover the cost of continuing our good work together by considering to support as our CSC 49th Anniversary Gala Celebration sponsors. Joining our treasured community of sponsors is the safest, simplest, and most effective way to support our twenty-thousands of low-to-moderate income and underserved families and individuals who live in Los Angeles as we adapt to ever-changing circumstances due to COVID-19 outbreak! |
"Since 1971, Chinatown Service Center.... provides outstanding services to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities in Southern California. Every year, over 20,000 unduplicated individuals with more than 103,000 annual assistance and encounters, over 96% in the low-to-moderate income range, were assisted through our services." |
Copyright © 2019 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved. Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. 華埠服務中心是501(c)3的非營利、非政治、非宗教的慈善機構,所有善款均可扣稅。 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter |