September 22nd-27th, Ven. Dhammadipa visited Purdue University and gave a series of lectures and meditation workshops. 九月二十二至二十七號,法曜法師受邀於普渡大學佛學社演講以及教導禪修。 |
Refuges and Precepts 三皈五戒 By the request of the laypeople, on 9/16 and 11/04, Ven. Dhammadipa conducted the refuge ceremony. During which, he also explained the meaning of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts. For those who have missed this occasion, you may watch the recording of the lecture and ceremony here (in English). 應信眾請求,法曜法師於九月十六日以及十一月四日舉行了皈依儀式,並在同時開示了三皈五戒的意義,當時錯過的朋友們,可以在此觀看當日的儀式 (中文)。 |
English Dharma Study Group 英文佛法讀書會 On November 2nd, we had our last dhar-ma study group of the year; befittingly, we concluded the year with the discussion on the stages of enlightenment through Buddhaghosa's Seven Purifications and Vasubandhu's Five Ways. We are going to have a long break until February of 2018. For those who may be interested, you can now catch up with the recordings! 十一月二日是本年度最後一次英文讀書會,於此結尾,我們討論了覺音尊者的七清淨解脫以及世親菩薩的五道十地法門。讀書會將在二月繼續,有興趣的朋友們可以充分利用這漫長的期間跟上課程進度。 | | |
Temple of Enlightenment Mindfulness of Breath Retreat 紐約大覺寺 出入息觀禪三 On 11/10-12, Ven. Dhammadipa will be instructing on mindfulness of breaths re-treat at Temple of Enlightenment in Bronx, NY. For more information and registration, please click the button below. 法曜法師將在十一月10-12號於紐約大覺寺帶領三天出入息觀禪修,有興趣參加的朋友們,請點擊以下按鈕報名。 | | |
Chuang-Yen Monastery Divine Abidings Retreat 紐約莊嚴寺 四無量心禪七 On 11/19-26, Ven. Dhammadipa will be instructing the 7-day Divine Abidngs re-treat at Chuang-Yen Monastery in Carmel, NY. For more information and registration, please click the button below. 法曜法師將在十一月19-26號於紐約莊嚴寺帶領七天四無量心禪修,有興趣參加的朋友們,請點擊以下按鈕報名。 | | |
November/December Events At US Zen Institute 11/02........"The Foundations of Buddhism" 11/04..........One-Day Meditation Workshop 12/24-30.....7-Day Divine Abidings Retreat Other Locations 11/10 (FRI) - 11/12 (SUN) Temple of Enlightenment 3-Day Mindfulness of Breaths Retreat Click here to register if you have registered previously on another form, then you do not need to register again 11/19 (SUN) - 11/25 (SAT) Chuang-Yen Monastery 7-Day Divine Abidings Retreat Click here to register |
十一/十二月活動 於美國禪學院 11/02..............英文佛法讀書會 佛法基本通 11/04................................................一日禪 12/24-30...........................四無量心定 禪七 其他地點 11/10 (週五) - 11/12 (週日) 紐約大覺寺 出入息觀 禪三 Click here to register 如果已在另一表格報名過,便不需要在此報名 11/19 (週日) - 11/25 (週六) 紐約莊嚴寺 四無量心 七日禪 Click here to register |
10/28-29 at Wisdom Temple, Billerica, MA Two-Day Meditation Retreat | 二日禪 Photo credit: Ven. Sagarananda |
10/28-29 at Wisdom Temple, Billerica, MA Two-Day Meditation Retreat | 二日禪 Photo credit: Ven. Sagarananda |
10/22 at Maryland Buddhist Vihara, Silver Spring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: Joey Montgomery |
10/22 at Maryland Buddhist Vihara, Silver Spring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: Chifeng Fang |
10/22 at Maryland Buddhist Vihara, Silver Spring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: Chifen Fang |
10/29 at Wat Thai DC, Silverspring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: Suchart Suksamran |
10/29 at Wat Thai DC, Silverspring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: David Liu |
10/29 at Wat Thai DC, Silverspring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: Suchart Suksamran |
10/29 at Wat Thai DC, Silverspring, MD Kathina Ceremony | 解夏供僧大會 Photo credit: Suchart Suksamran |