Giving & help us fill up 300 food-and-toy baskets for low-income families.
CSC is fundraising for its 34th Food and Toy Basket 2020. CSC and Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association (SCCLA) will join hand in and distribute grocery card/food vouchers as well as toys to 300 low-income families again in December 2020, in Chinatown and San Gabriel Valley Los Angeles.
Each $40 donation helps us provide an abundant food-and-toy to ONE economically-challenged family. Whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps!
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華埠服務中心(CSC)為即將舉辦的「第34屆食品籃和玩具送暖活動」籌款及張羅慈善物資。 華埠服務中心攜手南加州華裔律師協會 (SCCLA)將於2020年12月再次為低收入的華埠家庭,送上300份節日食物卡與玩具,盼望繼續傳揚社區暖意,共渡温韾滿載的聖誕佳節。