This is not an ordinary message. Or a message asking you to buy a product. This is a curated email for those who still love to read and are committed to reading. The cultured ones; the ones who go to art galleries to appreciate the art; those who still make time for intellectually stimulating films; the ones who go to poetry book launches and not just for the wine; those who still buy theatre tickets; who go see their town's philharmonic orchestra play their favourite romantic composer—well, you get the gist of it.
This Culture Edition is the first of a series which I will be curating 2-3 times a month, showcasing cultural and art-related articles posted by independent bloggers and artists. Why on a Monday? Because life is essentially drab, and nothing like art can grab the hand of our imagination to the dance and splash a carnival of hues on the colourless canvas of our lives. The WhatsApp status of good friend of mine, a successful gallery curator, reads:
Earth without art is Eh...”
I think we all agree with that.