National Youth Week returns to Richcraft Recreation Complex for 2019!
What is National Youth Week? It is a celebration of youth involvement in their community with a week of daily events and activities, run BY youth FOR youth!
If you, or someone you know, is a community-minded youth that works well as part of a team and has an interest in creating and running events, stay tuned for our announcements when positions are open for application!
What positions will be available?
Youth Organizing Committee: work as part of a team to create events and activities, build the event schedule, target sponsors and partners, promote the event in the community, be present at all events, and other duties as assigned.
Communications Liaison: responsible for creating promotional material for each event including posters, flyers, and social media posts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and meeting deadlines assigned by the staff mentor. Other duties could include; writing blog posts, taking photos and videos, producing a recap video of our whole event.
See our recap blog from National Youth Week 2018