CSC Newsletter ︳February 2020 |
Big thanks to Lee's Noodle 2nd generous donation of $17,566.80 to support CSC Social and Health Services in 2020 again! 非常感謝李家莊粉麵廠於2020農歷年新春聯歡捐贈1萬7千多元予華埠服務中心,善款用作社會及醫療服務經費。 | | |
Part 2 - Infection & Treatment: "Ear, Nose, Throat" (FREE) 耳鼻喉感染和治療 (免費) How do Ear, Nose & Throat related and affect to your health? 耳朵,鼻子和喉嚨如何與您的健康息息相關 English & Mandarin 英語及普通話 Register 登記:(213) 808-1792 | | |
Valentine's Day Kids Art & Craft Workshop (FREE) 創造情人節工藝品和家庭裝飾 (免費) Let's celebrate Valentine's Day with your families and children! 一起慶祝愛和渡過美好家庭時光! English & Chinese 中英雙語雙 Register 登記:(626) 598-3883 | | |
Covered California 2020 Our Case Manager Yvonne Chanlee (photo on right:4) shared her client success story of how CSC & Covered CA helped her to get relief on her health insurance! "Covered CA ≠ Public Charge" 社會服務部個案經理Yvonne (圖右4) 分享了她客戶的成功案例, 講述了CSC與Covered CA 如何幫助她減輕健康保險的負擔! 溫馨提示: "領加州全保補助不算「公共負擔」" 想知詳情, 現在立即致電: (213) 808-1700查詢! |
| | VITA 2020 "CSC FREE TAX PREPARATION 2020" is now accepting appointment. Tax Hotline 報稅專線: (213) 808-1795華埠服務中心宣布「2020免費報稅服務計劃」及「FREE TAX PREP LOS ANGELES」正式展開, 歡迎預約 | | |
| | CENSUS 2020 1st Census Partner (Bliss & Wisdom) Meeting & Training Session -To make sure all our community members get counted in Census 2020- 第一次人口普查合作夥伴 (洛杉磯福智基金會) 會議和培訓課程 -確保我們所有的社區成員都被納入2020年人口普查中- | | |
| | CalSavers is CA's new State-mandated retirement savings program for Employers (w/ No Retirement Plan) Learn more @Workshop on 2/12, 2/19 CalSavers是加州政府為沒有提供退休儲蓄計劃給員工的雇主/私營公司一個儲蓄機會, 想了解更多? 請即參加 2/12 及 2/19 講座 | | |
| | Starting Your Own Business? Let's share a Business Plan for you RSVP 預約: (213) 808-1751 你想創業嗎?讓我們為您分享創業 路與商業計劃書! | | |
SAT輔導報名熱線: (213) 808-1700 ENROLLING STUDENTS* FOR SPRING 2020 (2020 春季招生) *Classes begin on MARCH 2, 2020 (課程開始於2020年3月2日) | | |
"Since 1971, Chinatown Service Center.... provides outstanding services to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities in Southern California. Every year, about 18,000 unduplicated individuals with more than 80,000 annual assistance and encounters, over 96% in the low-to-moderate income range, were assisted through our services." |
Copyright © 2019 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved. Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. 華埠服務中心是501(c)3的非營利、非政治、非宗教的慈善機構,所有善款均可扣稅。 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter |