Meraki Rashelle Weissenbach February 22 - April 23, 2018 Main Gallery The exhibition, Meraki, features new paintings by Rashelle Weissenbach. Meraki is a Greek word meaning “To do something with love or soul, or equivalently to put something of yourself into your work.” Weissenbach uses the canvas as one would use a journal creating an abstract visual narrative and, through the use of her poetic titles, leads the viewer towards emotional interpretation. ...read more... |
Conscious Detachment Christel Highland March 2 - April 28, 2018 Back Gallery The collection of works for Conscious Detachment was borne out of necessity during the 2016 election. After the election, wrapped up in the fervor of the messy and emotional cultural landscape, I had to look within. I felt it all negatively affecting every aspect of my life, and had to take control. My first step after the election was over, was to restrict my news intake to one hour per day to manage the effect of the information on my conscious, and subconscious lives. Then the changes came like a waterfall, without thought, and really without conscious action. Through my experiment with conscious detachment, the positivity extended to every area of my life. Ideas and opportunities seemed to flow more freely toward me. Negativity, regret, and attachment to outcomes also flowed more freely away from me. Of course, this experiment extended to my studio practice most prevalently and out of this detachment came an acceptance of the beauty of this work as well as enjoyment throughout the process, without the stress of preconceived outcomes. Conscious Detachment has awakened a new phase of the material conversation through the immaterial. |
Known, Knowing and Unknown Caroline Colby-Gonzalez March 2 - April 28, 2018 Front Gallery The title of the show Known, Knowing and Unknown is a play on the Hebrew word יָדַע , “to know,” used in Genesis 4:1 as a double entendre for sexual intercourse. Working with this concept of “knowing” as a heightened metaphor for sexual and emotional intimacy within a marriage, my work explores how an intimate relationship - built on mutual trust, respect, love and compassion- can quickly become compromised or negated by the reality of the people who make it, who are also often in a state of flux, both in relation to themselves and each other. ...read more... KC Studio Magazine |
Accumulation Sarah Hearn March 2 - May 26, 2018 Opie Gallery I am an interdisciplinary visual artist researching how humans can collaborate with, understand and learn from nature. My creative practice is strongly rooted in photography, drawing, site-specific installation and participatory culture. As a citizen researcher I incorporate components of the scientific method into my process. Through earnest investigations of biological life and natural phenomena, I make work that reveals shifting boundaries between science, pseudoscience and science fiction. ...read more... |
Right Time / Right Place Chloe Thompson and Julia Monte April 4 - 28, 2018 KCAI | Undergrads Underground Gallery Chloe Thompson and Julia Monte both think about how their flat works and drawings can transform into three dimensional space. Chloe’s installation is a means to explore narrative and identity through a scene (interior set) with intense, saturated colors and objects. This is done by altering found objects, and incorporating informative drawings with them. Julia’s installation is a reconstruction of the Paper Airplane. The airplane is simply a vessel to specifically navigate the idea of the memory of a space. The airplane was also able to add some “cleverity” to the work by making it almost entirely out of paper, taking a childhood memory that is commonly shared and covering a whole environment in the same material. Both artists actively think about dreams when making work. There are many parallels drawn between dreams and memories, such as thinking of a dream just after waking, which is a process similar to drawing back to past experiences. There is a slippage that occurs between dreams and consciousness like there is between past an the present moment; at times only bits and pieces are remembered, the mind fabricates the missing links to complete the real event or dream.These are notions that are continuously questioned in both artists work. Though there is a distinct divide between the two installations, both explore ideas of inhabiting spaces as the two artists think about the interior of sets like the interior of selves. |
Join us as Travis Porter, of The Porterhaus, debuts a new suite of prints! Friday, April, 6th from 6pm-9pm & Saturday, April 7th from 11am-5pm |