Pranic Psychotherapy Workshop
Majority of diseases originate from a source which is psychological in nature. Negative thoughts, negative emotions, trauma, negative programs from childhood, mental blockages, addictions, fear, lack of self-esteem, and last but not least, depression are some of the conditions that are clearly psychological in nature. If these conditions continue to persist for long, they may become a source of a new ailments. Learn about four main types of psychological energies and how they manifest
In A Practical Workshop
- Learn to treat emotional or mental imbalances, traces of trauma, lack of self-esteem, depression, fear, phobia, addiction, compulsive behavior, lack of concentration, and many more
- Learn to purge negative programs acquired during childhood that hold us back from success can also be identified and removed
- Learn extraction and disintegration of negative psychic energies and patterns to dramatically accelerate the healing process
- Learn how to heal conditions such as compulsive behavior, lack of self-esteem, effects of bullying, depression, etc.
- Learn advanced energy extraction techniques from affected chakras by repairing damaged or cracked protective web of charkas & prevent future intrusions of negative psychic energy
- Learn some special self-healing techniques for depression, tension, irritability, grief and anxiety
- Learn Psychotherapy scanning using hands to find out more about thoughts and emotions that create disharmony & pain
- Learn to heal the effects of psychic attacks that can cause anxiety attacks, irritability, bad luck or even financial loss. Also, get trained on removing negative influence such as jealousy, anger, hatred, and crippling energy patterns
- Learn Relationship Healing
- More.....
Pre-requsite: Must have taken Level-1 Basic Pranic HealingWorkshop
12th Aug'17 [6.30pm-9.30pm] & 13th Aug'17 [9.00am to 6.00pm]
Venue: 6 spruce Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138
Registration Fee: $350 || Review Price:$75
Email: | Call: 617-710-9884
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