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Shaping the Future of Sharonville

Sharonville 2030 was a project that the City of Sharonville undertook to create a new comprehensive plan and a revised planning and zoning code to help establish a clear direction for the future of Sharonville. The comprehensive plan establishes the city's goals for elements such as land use, economic development, housing, transportation, utilities, and parks, just to name a few. The planning and zoning code helped modernize the city's land use regulations, which addresses how buildings and properties should be designed and how they can be used, while also implementing the recommendations of the plan.

Sharonville 2030 was a community driven effort where the community members had a variety of opportunities to help craft the plan’s policies and provide feedback on the planning and zoning code language. The city appreciates all of the residents and stakeholders that came out to provide input throughout the process! 


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Sharonville 2030 - Plan and Code Adopted

The comprehensive plan and updated planning and zoning code envisioned as part of the Sharonville 2030 project have both been adopted. Below are links to the final documents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Community Development Department at (513) 563-0033.

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