Welcome all NGIT members to the 2nd edition of Tassie eNews |
The Tassie eNews newsletter will be produced on a regular basis with the intention of keeping all our Tasmanian members up-to-date with all relevant nursery and garden industry information. We encourage all our members to share with us any news, story ideas, innovations and information concerning the nursery and garden industry. Over the coming issues you will meet the members of the NGIT Committee and administration. We welcome input from all members, and are here to assist you in promoting anything from events to innovations throughout NGIT's professional network. We have some exciting new projects on the drawing board and welcome suggestions from all members throughout Tasmania. |
What's on in this issue - NGIT Website Launch
- Introduction - Meet your NGIT Secretary
- Structure Review Consultation Meeting
- Fair Work Commission Update
- Superannuation Information
- 202020 Vision Website
- 2016 Garden Trends Report
- Nuffield Scholarships
- Member Benefits
- NGIT Facebook Page
- Advertising Feature - Munash Rockdust
- Advertise with us!
The NGITas website has been launched and we encourage all our members to take it for a test drive. Having our own NGIT - Tasmanian website, allows NGIT to publish Tasmanian specific information for our members with links, support and backup from the Australian governing body NGIA. The website contains information about your membership and the benefits you are entitled to take advantage of. It is our aim to promote Tasmanian members' businesses and partners with locations, opening hours, plus website and contact details, a diary of upcoming events and workshops, national and state programs, forms, downloads, news and information, image galleries, new product information, Positions Vacant and links to other partner sites. We have included a member survey to help us tailor a plan for the future of NGIT ensuring that members are receiving all the help and assistance they need. Please check your Member Listing and forward on any edits to Kay @ admin@ngitas.com.au along with a copy of your company logo, this information will also be updated and included in the NGIA Trade Register and also feature on the national NGIA website. We have also launched a social media Facebook page that intends to publish interesting articles from around Australia - so please Like Us on Facebook to keep up with news and information about your industry. Follow this link and take a tour around the new website: www.ngitas.com.au |
NGIT Committee Member Profile |
Introducing the Nursery and Garden Industry of Tasmania's Secretary - Lauren Chandler Lauren Chandler is the Office Manager and giftware buyer at Chandlers Nursery in Sandy Bay. Lauren has worked at the nursery for 3 years, coming from a retail management background previous to this position. Working in the nursery industry is in her blood, Lauren along with her brother Luke, are fifth generation to work in their nursery, whiich has been in the Chandler family since 1888. Lauren looks forward to keeping the nursery in the family for the next generation.Lauren has strong interests in organic gardening, sustainability, and permaculture.Lauren has been involved with NGIT for 12 months and enjoys being on the committee. |
Tasmanian Structure Review Consultation Meeting |
The Nursery and Garden Industry Structure Review Committee visited Tasmania to facilitate a consultation meeting with industry stakeholders in Campbell Town on May 18th. The Structure Review Committee is an independant committee made up of industry members that operate in cooperation with but without interference or influence of exisitng bodies. |
The committee has been tasked to review the bodies representing growers, retailers and suppliers in the industry by conducting broad ranging, whole of industry meetings throughout Australia. The aim of the 2016 Nursery and Garden Industry Structure Review is to assess the current structure of the nursery and garden industry in Australia and determine the most effective and cost efficient structure before presenting its recommendations for the future. |
The four panel commitee conducted an informal discussion with Tasmanian members, urging all present to put forward their concerns and opinions on the future of the Nursery and Garden Industry in Tasmania. |
Members who were unable to attend the meeting are encouraged to contribute to the review process in a number of ways. - By written submission. Please download this Submission Form at the base of this article and return to the structurereview@ngia.com.au by 15th July 2016.
- Down to Earth Research will shortly be conducting an online survey on the industry. Your input is welcomed. To ensure you are a recipient of the survey please send your contact information to kobie.keenan@ngia.com.au
The Committee profiles and Terms of Reference under which they operate are available at: www.ngia.com.au/industrystructurereview |
Some important information from our friends at the Centre for Tasmanian Industry Are you prepared... As the financial year comes to a conclusion and you plan ahead, there are a number of areas to consider in your business. Minimum Wage Increase The Fair Work Commission has announced a 2.4% increase to minimum wages so the national minimum wage will now be $672.70 per week (up from $656.90) or $17.70 per hour (up from $17.29). This increase will apply to employees who get their pay rates from; - the national minimum wage and are not covered by an Award or Enterprise Agreement
- a modern award
- or in some cases a registered agreement - for example where a current rate of pay will be below the national minimum wage from 1 July 2016.
What does this mean for employers? The Fair Work Commission is updating the pay rates for each modern award to reflect the change prior to the increase coming into effect from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July 2016. It is now time to review your wage rates, agreements and budgets and plan for any increases, especially if you’ll be away when the change takes effect. - If you are already paying above the Award rate you may not have to pass
on the increase or may only have to pass on a partial increase. - Enterprise agreements do set out how and when wage increases apply; the
minimum rates in an agreement cannot be less than the minimum rates in the corresponding award.
For more information please visit: https://www.fwc.gov.au/ |
Superannuation Have you organised a Clearing House or updated your systems for simpler and more consistent contribution payments? If not, you need to take steps to implement the new standard prior to the 30 June 2016 deadline for compliance with new SuperStream standards is nearly here for employers with 19 or less employees. Even though you may already be making payments electronically (EFT or BPAY) under SuperStream, contribution information is electronically linked with each payment for each employee which tells the fund exactly how to allocate the contribution. Benefits include: - a single channel for making contributions to multiple funds
- less time dealing with employee data and fund queries
- information and money sent flows to the funds quicker
In some circumstances, you can still use your previous contribution process, including: - contributions to your own self-managed super fund (SMSF) – for example - if you're an employee of your family business and super guarantee contributions go to your SMSF
- personal contributions – for example, if you're a sole trader and you contribute to a super fund for yourself.
To avoid incurring the non-deductible Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) and additional administration fees, ensure you have covered all employees, including employed directors and “owners”, by the July deadline. Remember, directors are personally liable for any unpaid employee superannuation. For further Small Business Superannuation Clearing House information visit the Australian Taxation Office website www.ato.gov.au |
For further information about these and other areas specific to your situation, take advantage of your membership through NGIT and contact the Centre for Tasmanian Industry today to assist you with your specific needs on 03 6244 8881 or email us on admin@centretasindustry.com |
The New 202020 Vision Website Launch 202020 Vision is a collaboration to make our urban areas 20% greener by 2020. Plants and trees cool our cities and reduce pollution. They get us out and about and make us healthier, happier and more productive. Yet, too often, they are overlooked when plans are drawn and concrete is poured. We have a plan to change that. Whatch the video below or visit www.202020vision.com.au or follow the link from www.ngitas.com.au and download the 202020 Vision Plan. |
202020 Vision Year 2This is "202020 Vision Year 2" by on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. |
2016 Garden Trends Report |
The American Based Company, Garden Media Group have released their 2016 Garden Trends Report. Garden Media researches global consumer trends to see what is happening next in gardening, landscape design and green living. The report is developed from research collected from a range of media sources and garden experts worldwide. Trends drive consumers and consumers drive sales. When you're ahead of the curve, your business becomes a trendsetter. Watch the Garden Trends Video below or visit www.gardenmediagroup.com |
2017 Nuffield Farming Scholarships Applications for the 2017 Nuffield Australian Farming Scholarships are officially open! There are approximately 30 scholarships on offer this year with applications closing on 30th June, 2016. The Nuffield Australia Farming Scholars' mission is to develop and promote excellence in all aspects of Australian agricultural production, distribution and management through the adoption of local and international best practice, and continutous development of a unique network of industry leaders and innovators. For more information and to download an application please visit www.nuffield.com or click below to download the online brochure. |
Member Benefits Just a reminder to all our members of your member benefits and entilements which are part of your annual subscription. NGIT offers all members access to accreditation, seminars and industry workshops, assistance from technical and commercial developmental officers, and Industrial Relations consultations through the Centre for Tasmanian Industry. For more information visit www.ngitas.com.au We will be promoting all our member benefits in future Tassie eNews issues. |
NGIT Facebook Page NGIT or Nursery and Garden Industry of Tasmania has just launched our own Facebook page and invite all our active 'Facebook Friendly' members to 'LIKE' our page by clicking this link. Facebook is another great way to keep in touch with our members, it's casual and informal yet can also be very informative. Social media advertising is a great marketing tool for any business in today's fast moving and modern world and we encourage all our members to become our Facebook Friends. We intend to be regularly posting interesting articles and information from all areas of our industry and encourage our members to engage in this simple form of networking and communication. |
Munash Rockdust Where does it come from? Munash Rockdust comes from a specially selected combination of geological rocks from the Central Victoria goldfields area. This area is well known for its rich mineral deposits. The key ingredients are Basalt and Granite along with a patented catalyst. The right combination has been refined over the last 120 years by Munash's small family owned business. Why use Munash Rockdust? - Made from the same stuff as soil, it restores balance
- Best source of food for microbes
- Reduces heavy metals
- Rebalances water so plants can use more water and not become dehydrated
- Unlocks elements and makes them available to plants
- Releases valuable minerals and trace elements to soil and plants
- 100% natural, organic and chemical free. Safe around children and pets.
Contact your local Tasmanian distributor, Waratah Tasmania 1a Tara St, South Hobart P: 03 6223 7200 E: sales@waratahtas.com.au |
Advertise with NGIT Tassie eNews Tassie eNews is one of NGIT's key methods of communication that is delivered statewide to all our member's in-boxes regularly. So if you have an event you would like to promote, a training course, product you wish to sell or promote, or a position you wish to fill we invite you to take advantage of our offer to advertise with us for FREE. We extend this offer of FREE advertising space to all our NGIT members for up to 4 advertising spaces per year*. For further details please contact Kay Carney @ admin@ngitas.com.au *Terms and conditions do apply. All advertisements must be content appropriate to the nursery and garden industry and will undergo approval by NGIT Administration. Non-members are welcome to apply for advertising space for a nominal fee. |
So a big thank you to all members for taking the time to read through our Winter Edition of the NGIT's Tassie eNews and we look forward to your feedback, story ideas, and the sharing of information. Have an Wonderful Winter! |