IBAA Study Circle
美國國際佛教協會 佛法座談會
On the evening of 22nd of July, U.S. Zen hosted the IBAA Dhamma Study Circle, where Ven. Dhammadipa gave a lecture on the Abhidharma literautre of the Chinese Buddhism. Venerables from Sri Lankan, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Korean traditions, as well as 20-30 laypeople attended this gathering.
七月二十二日,美國禪學院主持 IBAA 佛法座談會,當晚方丈 法曜法師 主講開示漢傳阿毘達磨傳承文獻,現場有斯里蘭卡、柬埔寨、越南、韓國法師,以及近三十位在家居士參與。