The Impact! Mentor Program has 4 major components.
The group component
We meet as a group once a month. Whether by video call or our 3 in person session, every month you get to see, hear and interact with the entire group.
These sessions are guided by a professional coach that will keep the conversation moving, the growth and development blossoming.
The one on one component
You meet with your partner once a month to discuss the monthly content,
discuss application of it and come up with solutions and strategies to any barriers.
The guest coach component
Each month there will be a video or audio from someone outside our circle.
This content is specifically chosen to compliment the monthly modules, to inspire new ways of perceiving and thinking and to inspire out of the box thinking.
The book component
Over the 8 months we will read 3 books. These books will include generes such as professional development, inspirational and thought provoking.
Leaders are readers!